Line 6:
Line 6:
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" id="mw-customcollapsible-myDivision" style="font-family: Courier New; font-size: 12px; width: 540px; margin:auto; line-height: 120%; text-align: left;"><b>{{{2}}}</b>
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" id="mw-customcollapsible-myDivision" style="font-family: Courier New; font-size: 12px; width: 540px; margin:auto; line-height: 120%; text-align: left;"><b>{{{2}}}</b>
Format is <nowiki>{{Pesterlog|Button Title|Text}}</nowiki>.
Note that having multiple pesterlogs on one page makes all of open and close when opening one. This is due to the button being tied to an ID that, because of how templates work, all of them share. This could be fixable, but unfortunately I just don't care enough to deal with this. Sorry!
I learned the hard way that <span style="color: #XXXXXX>making text colored like this</span> does not work in templates, for some reason. To circumvent this I have put templates in templates in templates by using [[Template:Color]]. To fill it out, add {{color|hex code|text}}.
Combined, the following pesterlog here -
{{Pesterlog|Toggle Pesterlog|
-- turntechGodhead {{color|#e00707|[TG]}} began pestering ectoBiologist {{color|#0715cd|[EB]}} at 16:13 --<br><br>
{{color|#e00707|TG: hey so what sort of insane loot did you rake in today}}<br>
{{color|#0715cd|EB: i got a little monsters poster, it's so awesome. i'm going to watch it again today, the applejuice scene was so funny.}}<br>
{{color|#e00707|TG: oh hell that is such a coincidence i just found an unopened container of apple juice in my closet it is like fucking christmas up in here}}<br>
{{color|#0715cd|EB: ok thats fine, but i just have one question and then a word of caution. have you ever seen a movie called little monsters starring howie mandel and fred savage?}}<br>
{{color|#e00707|TG: but}}<br>
{{color|#e00707|TG: the seal on the bottle is unbroken}}<br>
{{color|#e00707|TG: are you suggesting someone put piss in my apple juice at the factory}}<br>
{{color|#0715cd|EB: all im saying is don't you think monster howie mandel has the power to do something as simple as reseal a bottle?}}<br>
{{color|#0715cd|EB: try using your brain numbnuts.}}
looks like this in the code:
{{Pesterlog|Toggle Pesterlog|
-- turntechGodhead {{color|#e00707|[TG]}} began pestering ectoBiologist {{color|#0715cd|[EB]}} at 16:13 --<br><br>
{{color|#e00707|TG: hey so what sort of insane loot did you rake in today}}<br>
{{color|#0715cd|EB: i got a little monsters poster, it's so awesome. i'm going to watch it again today, the applejuice scene was so funny.}}<br>
{{color|#e00707|TG: oh hell that is such a coincidence i just found an unopened container of apple juice in my closet it is like fucking christmas up in here}}<br>
{{color|#0715cd|EB: ok thats fine, but i just have one question and then a word of caution. have you ever seen a movie called little monsters starring howie mandel and fred savage?}}<br>
{{color|#e00707|TG: but}}<br>
{{color|#e00707|TG: the seal on the bottle is unbroken}}<br>
{{color|#e00707|TG: are you suggesting someone put piss in my apple juice at the factory}}<br>
{{color|#0715cd|EB: all im saying is don't you think monster howie mandel has the power to do something as simple as reseal a bottle?}}<br>
{{color|#0715cd|EB: try using your brain numbnuts.}}