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COLOSSES 2022 was a Super Smash Bros. Ultimate supermajor that took place on July 30, 2022 in Lyon, France. This tournament was notable for being the first Ultimate supermajor that starlightDP lost.


(84 entrants)

Place Name Character Earnings
1st techtactoe
2nd starlightDP
4th kwikwidetr4x
5th Tobalite93x
6th ElectrumJoe
7th FakeKidsReviewToys
8th Applesaucer
9th animationproductions610
10th stepmaniafan123
11th Grapefruitsuperspecial
12th PlasticChewer
13th Spadinner
14th NotATuna
15th goombahater21
16th TimeToTakeA
17th heroSurferLions
18th xX_Baikalissimo_Xx
19th futurotron00
20th Legomenon
21st creeturemeature
22nd Preambulator
23rd AvantYard
24th tru3hat3
25th supercalifragilisticexpialidocious
26th SPeeDCOReZ
27th mdrqnx
28th Bravely
29th DanganAwesome
30th nyarpaNEEMOY
31st Hobart
32nd JonSmashbrothersalready
33rd Blaziken
34th kyloren
35th thetruefake
36th anemonoguchi
37th aaandsteveN
38th genowanter
39th whotouchamyspaghet
40th BlastixRiotz
41st Okincheez
42nd okinapkin
43rd x_iiQhone
44th GregKMartin
45th 121312141213121
46th RSlash
47th backslashbacklash
48th Ham05
49th CanyonGrande
50th Michael Bloomberg
51st HelpImTrappedInNameFactory
52nd burt
53rd SaltShaper
54th elonrocketshib
55th quirkyuiop
56th exitatmosphere
57th The Oker
58th ch33zk33p3r
59th poooooooooooo
60th beesechurger
61st James Baker
62nd RedLinkz
63rd RealGaryNuman
64th OverlordCosmosTheDevastator
65th SwevieTonder
66th Serge
67th Darkfall
68th WubsChorld
69th Mr. Snrub
70th Titanium Peppers
71st pipis --->
72nd BirdSpecialist
73rd Pikmin4GCN
74th The Grinch
75th SSB_Spheal
76th david
77th biggreenstache7
78th xXHyperKing18Xx
79th Glubby
80th How
81st Omegarad
82nd Owen Noeyes
83rd CowCowCow
84th baabu