
3,858 bytes removed ,  21:25, 4 September 2022
removing a buncha stuff from the eater of wiki's base page (THAT I GOT PREMISSION TO STEAL FROM !!!! NOBODYWHY IS MY FRIEND !!!)
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== AGENDA ==
The Eater of Wikis is a being of [[PURE CHAOS]]. Made of discarded wiki material, it forms from the forgotten pages that have been put towards the [[wayside]]. He tunnels through links that no one particularly cares about, creating [[EVIL TUNNELS]]! Consuming abandoned wiki links, planting even the most innocent of wiki articles with [[GATEWAYS TO HIS DOMAIN]]! Which is very [[SCARY]]! Which is why there are so many [[EXCLAMATION MARKS]]! [[EXCLAMATION MARKS]] are very [[SCARY]]. With these links, creating devious tunnels throughout the wiki, eating more and more and more!!!! Like a...
a uh...
It'll come to me...
== ME ==
== Personality ==
The Eater of Wikis' personality is VERY SCARYY! RAAAWR! Very very scary. So so super scary, that it can't be described as it is too scary! Well, actually it can be, with the word "scary", preferably preceded with the phrase "so so super". AAA! I am so scared by this article that I am making that I am repeating myself!! That is how scary this article is. Haha sooryy if this is tooooooooo scary. He is scarier than WAR. War is scary, but this article is scarier. I hope you know that. Scary is a nice word since it's so short and nice. It is also a scary word because it describes the Eater of Wikis' personality too.
They are also very smart! They like long walks on the beach but they just have Mario glove pngs to work with so they will never get to...
== FACTS ==
I love you!
== Occupation ==
Due to the recent attacks, they have had to take on an occupation as of late. That occupation being <nowiki>[[Grinch Slayer]]</nowiki>. Ever since their home town was attacked by a <nowiki>[[Grinch]]</nowiki>, nothing  has been the same. They fended the Grinch off, but at the cost of their little sister, who upon drinking the blood of a Grinch, has now become HALF. GRINCH. Her Christmas Spirit is gone, and she is but a shell of her former self, taking presents from innocent people. This did not deter him, however.  He travelled across the land, searching for a way to cure his little sister. That was, until he discovered the ancient art of <nowiki>[[Trash Magic]]</nowiki>. By using this technique, and his massive katana, he roams the landscape looking to kill the Grinch that <nowiki>[[Grinchified]]</nowiki> his sister. That's why he has become a Grinch Slayer, in order to save what little family he has left...   
[[File:Grinch.png|thumb|left|Word Girl bringing his Grinched out little sister  back to her senses]]
"Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, it's not going to get better, it's not."
== BIRTHDAY!!! ==
They are like a rock in the wind, forever present...
== Relationships ==
Evil The Eater of Wikis []
== Trivia ==
* The head on the back of their body isn't actually alive! It's a false head used to fool competitors into thinking that they are a Weezer member.
* They Kinda look like a caterpillar
* Their fav game is actually checkers, since it's kind of the evil version of chess if you really think about it
* They have a book of coupons for everything, like dawg.. Where do you even get that many.
* I lied about the coupon bit, I was actually projecting my obsession with coupons onto The Eater of Wikis
* I just really like coupons and I felt embarrassed to say that I really liked coupons so I swept The Eater of Wikis under the bus in a semi - ironic manner in order to see if you were interested in coupons without making myself emotionally vulnerable
* It's just been really stressful lately since I'm going to a new school in a different place, and I just really needed someone to connect with
* I really should just focus on being more honest
* It's really strange haha I never noticed this about myself until I got taken out of my comfort zone
* Maybe moving was a good thing idk
* So do you like coupons or not?
