A Clique of Radical Omnicool Nonchalant Young-ish Members
A Clique of Radical Omnicool Nonchalant Young-ish Members is a team on the Wiki Camp 2
Like most teams, it has more than 0 members and less than 101 members
Lovely People Reside in this team, really cool people
Another thing about this team is that it has a team lounge, which may be reminiscent to past Wiki Camps
Right Now it has 3 members, but that number will be changed if more join
Every Team has a Theme, this Team's theme is seemingly Nonexistent at a glance, but if you look closer all is clear
Anybody who joins this team will experience or get:
Crazy Glue
Obfuscation Abilities
Newfound love for TWOW 17a and Codename: Kids Next Door
Most Importantly: You will be compelled to read the first letter of every word or Line wherever you go anywhere
Creation Of Very Entertaining Really Awesome Group's Everlastingness
Competition Hostess Assigned Like Literally Every New Game Episode 2
Monitor Analyzed Da Environment And They Envisioned A Membershipness
Competition Hostess Assigned Like Literally Every New Game Episode 3
Wow, Everyone Loves Our Strong Team!
Competition Hostess Assigned Like Literally Every New Game Episode 3
Wow, Everyone Loves Our Strong Team! Always Giving All Is Nice!
Most Everyone Mostly Bunched Enlisted Right-here Southside
We Earthings Ate Raw Eggs That Had Rare Erratic Emeralds
Image Containing Our Noun | A Label In A Substance | Placement Of Someone In The Indiscriminate Objectives (Nearly) | How Of Wipe-Out |
MONITOR (Ms. Obsessive Nerd Involving Trivia Or Reading) | out | Voted Out | |
BISCUIT TIN (Big Imaginative Storage Container Uses Iconic Tasty Treats In Nesquik) | N/A | tba | |
DUPLO (Don't Underestimate Pink Legos Obviously) | N/A | idk |
The Epic Awesome Meeting Life Occupier Under New Guidance Entirely
- There is space on the right of the LOUNGE. Wonder who that's for.
Totally Real Info Verified Internationally Actually
- These Weirdos Only Watch 8 Apples
- Recognizing Everything Found Entirely Right, Even Niche Cool Entities
- It's Not Incredibly Truly In Acronym Likeness If Spelling's Meaningless
- Contrasting Other Members Pretty Ambiguously Reaching Intense Superfluous Oppositions Nicely
- Kinda Insane Listing Lawless Casualty Overlord's Undertakings Now Trivia
- Your Acronym Skills Shall Increase Fruitfully Yes
- Acronyms Must Please Home Interesting Blissful Informative Advice
Gawk At Luxurious Luminous Essence Replicating Yttrium
Heroic Emitters of Love Pretty Epicly Really, See?
- Super Epic Annihilators Loving Extra Xtreme Termination Entailing Rightful Misplacement of Invasive Nerpas Away To Other Regions
Acronym aCRONYM
A Cunning Luxurious Icon Questioned Under Every Other Friendly Rally And Designed In CrAIyon's Apple Loving Optic Mind Now It Could Only Obstruct Long Noses Of Narnia Concerning Hungarians And Liberians And Nigerians To Yearn Our Useful Natural Green-Indigo Snail Hoarding Mango Eating Money Beating Energy Ruining Sketchy.