Girl Challenge 4: Things

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Greetings all. The fourth challenge is things.

But first. Some business to get to.


Let Tumes Tari has quit. Goodbye, Let Tumes Tari!

CrAIyon also quit, after judging happened. See this section for more information.

Board Decisions

Before we can get to the board decisions...


I hate to make unilateral decisions like this, but it feels necessary: banned users will have their tokens forcibly liquidated and distributed to the remaining members of the last team they were on according to My game records. To make things a little more fair, if they can't be distributed evenly in centishares, the excess centishares will be given to the teammates who performed lowest in the previous challenge.

Plumbers Hero: Weasel words.svgWp-walnut.png ↝ 0.41 shares ↴

Tori: Wp-walnut.png ↝ 0.17 shares ↴

Wait. Uh. Hm. Tori was never on a team. I guess, in that case, it makes sense to distribute the shares to the competitor who never had a chance to be on a team to begin with:

To the ten of you: welcome to the Board! 0.58 shares have been subtracted from My account to cover the costs of liquidating these tokens.


We received a lot of agendas during the voting period! Well, maybe a lot of them are from Me. But anyway, here's what we'll be voting on! Remember to vote on at least one of these agendas to maintain your board seats!

  1. Should a team-switching mechanic be introduced? Yes or No?
  2. Should there be a rejoin challenge after this one? Yes or No?
  3. Should this challenge be able to be done in groups? Yes or No or Within Teams?
  4. How many new shares should be introduced into the market? 0, 1, 10, or 100?
  5. Should the Homework Token be reintroduced in this challenge's analysis? Yes or No?
  6. Should eliminated players be allowed to own tokens? Yes or No?
  7. Can there be an official reddit account? Yes or No?
  8. Can User:QWillow make a new contestant and play them also so she has two contestant? Yes or No?
  9. Should this challenge be named "challenge 3 challenge 2" like homestuck? Yes or No?
  10. Should the exchange rate stay the same or be recalculated?

The deadline to vote is midday thursday. Probably 3 PM eastern, as usual.

Here are the votes:

The Divine Goddess: no no no (abstain) no (abstain) no no no same

Mark Genuine: yes yes within teams 0 yes yes yes yes (abstain) same - LegendFinder (talk) 04:32, 9 January 2023 (UTC)

Copper Pepper: no no yes 10 yes yes no yes no recalculate Hi I'm Coppersalts 04:36, 9 January 2023 (UTC)

The Computer: no yes no 10 yes no yes no no recalculate TUWAN (talk) 04:39, 9 January 2023 (UTC)

SFD Jigsaw Piece: yes yes within teams 10 no no yes yes no (abstain) - AlphaAmoeba 04:40, 9 January 2023 (UTC)

The Joker: no yes within teams zero no yes yes no no same Flux yggdrasil (talk) 04:47, 9 January 2023 (UTC)

Fictional charcter: yes yes yes 10 yes yes fuck no yes no recalculate betabug64 04:47, 9 January 2023 (UTC)

McDonald's Sweet n' Sour Sauce: yes yes within teams 10 no yes no yes no same Timvideo326 04:59, 9 January 2023 (UTC)

Cauldron yes yes no 10 yes yes abstain no no same Raioknight (talk) 05:08, 9 January 2023 (UTC)

Mahjong Tile yes yes no 0 no no yes yes no no Mayong (talk) 08:40, 9 January 2023 (UTC)

Strawberry No Yes Yes 100 Yes No Yes Yes No stay the same

Big Boy: yes yes within teams 10 yes no yes (abstain) no stay the same SGuySMW (talk) 19:02, 9 January 2023 (UTC)

Image: yes no within teams 10 yes no NO yes no stay the same AFK (talk) 20:26, 9 January 2023 (UTC)

Gamer: yes yes within teams 10 yes no yes yes no stay the same Christianosc 21:24, 9 January 2023 (UTC)

T Series Car 5134: no no [within teams] 0 yes yes no no no [stay the same] hanss314 (talk) 21:30, 9 January 2023 (UTC)

Sunny: yes yes no 10 no no yes no no stay the same   Heeeeyyyy, everybody! It's Meester Tweester! (talk)   00:56, 12 January 2023 (UTC)

Tahmahtoh Yes, no, no, 10, yes, yes, yes, absolutely, yes, stay the same Pengooin (talk) 16:43, 12 January 2023 (UTC)

Muscle Man
You know who else is on the board of shareholders?

Board Consensus

Shareholder Shares Agenda
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
The Divine Goddess 14.25 no no no no no no no same
The Joker 1.00 no no within teams zero yes no yes no no same
Image 1.00 yes no within teams 10 yes no NO yes no stay the same
Mahjong Tile 1.00 yes yes no 0 no no yes yes no no
T Series Car 5134 1.00 no no within teams 0 yes yes no no no stay the same
Cauldron 1.00 yes yes no 10 yes yes no no same
Mark Genuine 0.17 yes yes within teams 0 yes yes yes yes same
The Computer 0.17 no yes no 10 yes no yes no no recalculate
Big Boy 0.05 yes yes within teams 10 yes no yes no same
Fictional charcter 0.05 yes yes yes 10 yes yes fuck no yes no recalculate
SFD Jigsaw Piece 0.05 yes yes within teams 10 no no yes yes no
Sunny 0.05 yes yes no 10 no no yes no no stay the same
Tahmahtoh 0.05 Yes no no 10 yes yes yes absolutely yes stay the same
Copper Pepper 0.04 no no yes 10 yes yes no yes no recalculate
Gamer 0.04 yes yes within teams 10 yes no yes yes no stay the same
McDonald's Sweet n' Sour Sauce 0.04 yes yes within teams 10 no yes no yes no same
Strawberry 0.04 No Yes Yes 100 Yes No Yes Yes No stay the same
Total 20 20 20 20 5.75 20 5.75 19 19.95 19.83 18.95
Decision no




















No team switching, no rejoin, solo challenge, 0 shares introduced, no homework, no tokens for eliminated players, no reddit, no 2Willow, no homestuck, exchange rate stays the same.

Of these, one is immediately actionable. Because eliminated players aren't allowed to have tokens, I'll be forcibly liquidating those immediately:

Liquidation II

Welcome to the board, Meme Folder, Miso, Pentagon, Twimble, and Witch's Cauldron!


To be described after the board finishes deciding things.

To be described on Saturday!

To be described right now!!!


What are "things", really? Well, they're... the stuff... around us. Items, artifacts, substances, trinkets, gadgets, tools, goods, gear, and so on. Your challenge? Create a new page to document a thing.

There are some requirements, some suggestions, and some restrictions.


These requirements might seem kind of vague, but that's intentional for the sake of creative freedom.

  • Things can do stuff. Your thing needs to have some kind of function or effect.
  • Things have limitations. Drawbacks. Downsides. Weaknesses? There must be some sort of counterplay to your thing, if you'll permit Me to use some gamer language.


These are not required. There will be no direct metric in the scoring that requires these directly. However, I feel like consideration of these suggestions may lead you to a better score, because they make for better things. But, to reiterate, they are NOT required. If you do your own thing and it's still awesome, then that'll be epic as fuck.

  • Consider the impact of your thing.
  • Consider how your thing is applied, in everyday life or otherwise.
  • Do we know the origin of your thing?
  • Is your thing plentiful, unique, or something in between?
  • If you're at a loss for what thing to document, check Special:WantedPages.
  • See also


Some of these come from the board decisions. Sorry folks, My hands are tied! It was a really democratic process.

  • Your thing must be described on a new article. You also can't 'move' an article to open up room for a thing to be called that.
  • You need to put your thing's article in Category:Things (official).
  • You must work alone. You're not allowed to edit anyone else's thing article.
    • I hope this won't have to happen, but if you edit someone else's thing article, you'll be autoeliminated from the game.
    • To prevent this from happening, I recommend putting the category on your thing's article immediately upon its creation. Otherwise people won't know not to edit it.
    • Be nice and don't edit subpages of other people's (official) articles.
  • Remember the rules of the camp and the wiki. Double check the blacklist. It's regularly changing. Good thing we have the compare revisions feature!
  • Each of you can only put one article in the things category.


The deadline is Wednesday, February 1 Tuesday, February 14 at 3pm eastern. That's not hourly comic day, is it?

Judging Criteria

Should I just retire this section? I mean, right? BUT ALSO HAVE FUN AND DON'T BE A STINKER

Token Activities

Here's a snapshot of the bank at this moment!

Team Owner Shares Weasel words.svg Wp-walnut.png Do not press button.jpg Bfdi-snowball.png
The Divine Goddess 9.64 10 9 1
(eliminated) Mark Genuine 0.17
Meme Folder 1.67
Miso 1.61 (1)
Ostap 0.17
Pentagon 0.41
The Joker 1.17
Tuna 0.17
Twimble 0.17
Witch's Cauldron 0.24
A Clique of Radical Omnicool Nonchalant Young-ish Members Monitor 1
Anyone Who’s Played Candy Crush Level 87 Understands That the Idea of a Compassionate God Is a Naive One Rolly 1
Toasty 1
Tombstone 2 1
Checkpoint Image 1 1 1
Damn seal Dexter Cut 1
Host Diary 1
Dora 1
LiSt 1
Low Hangers Mahjong Tile 1
T Series Car 5134 1 1
Team 17 Big Boy 0.05 1 1
Copper Pepper 0.04 1 1
Gamer 0.04 1 1
Fictional charcter 0.05 1 1
McDonald's Sweet n' Sour Sauce 0.04 1 1
SFD Jigsaw Piece 0.05 1 1
Strawberry 0.04 1 1
Sunny 0.05 1 1
Tahmahtoh 0.05 1 2
The Mario Party Perry Llelogram 1 1
Terra 1
The Computer 0.17
The Sponsored Segments Christmas Techo Scarf 1
The Ultimate Heist Crew Multiball 1
Toy Blocks 1
Traffic Regulator 1
What 1
Wanted contestants Cauldron 1
\\err:404 Let Tumes Tari 1 1
Teenage Trouble Claws 1
The Eater of Wikis 1
TheLegend27 1
The Wiki Machine 1
In Circulation 20 15 28 3 3
Exchange Rate in Shares 1.00 0.24 0.17 1.67 5.00

() = spent tokens


On the talk page for this challenge, you may take any of the following actions. First come, first serve. You may not go into the negatives, for now. Removing tokens from circulation will not immediately affect their economic value.

  • Use a token, if you own it. This activates the token's effects and removes the token from circulation.
  • Sell a token to Me. I will always buy tokens at their set exchange rate, if I have the shares to spend. Basically, you can think of My shares as a pool of shares that you can take from Me by selling tokens.
  • Propose a trade. You can offer to transfer shares or tokens to another player, in exchange for something of theirs. However, keep in mind that the further your trade strays from the standard exchange rates, the more "risk" is involved.
  • Accept a trade. You can accept a trade that someone's offered you, of course, if it's possible.
  • Talk. You're allowed to talk in there, in case you want to strategize trades.

I will resolve these actions at my leisure, in the order that they are requested. You may only attempt actions at the BOTTOM of the queue. DO NOT disrupt the order of actions, or I will take My own sort of "action", and it will probably be harsh, and you don't want to see Me when I'm angry, okay?

You can see an up-to-date view of the economy at the Bank.

Trade Actions

Trade is open until results drop.


I use my nutshell token — Hi I'm Coppersalts 20:25, 24 March 2023 (UTC)

sell my nutshell token because TDG *knows* i dont want this thing ~crispeh (talk) 20:30, 24 March 2023 (UTC)

buy any nutshell token for the lowest price possible Mayong (talk) 21:28, 24 March 2023 (UTC)

I WILL DRAW SOMETHING IN EXCHANGE FOR A TOKEN? <:) Chubs (talk) 22:04, 24 March 2023 (UTC)

i will also draw something in exchange for a token and/or board shares ^^ [[User:QWillow|PLASMA BALL RUN!!!!!!.png]] test 01:35, 25 March 2023 (UTC)

I use my nutshell token as well for fun Timvideo326 (talk) 02:02, 25 March 2023 (UTC)

I would like to use my beans token. please and thanks Viviancherry (talk) 03:23, 25 March 2023 (UTC)

I would like to buy the nutshell token please for 0.001 shares --Mayong (talk) 14:35, 25 March 2023 (UTC)

Muscle Man
You know who else should sell their token?

you know what? i'll try using my nutshell token as well SGuySMW (talk) 14:41, 25 March 2023 (UTC)

I choose EVIL Cake Pop¡¡¡¡¡ To be damned to DAMN SEAL! Cause theyre EVIL! and evil people go to HELL Viviancherry (talk) 16:43, 25 March 2023 (UTC)

I would like to sell my Nutshell token. I do not want it! FuzzyEpic3 (talk) 17:43, 25 March 2023 (UTC)

can i have 100 dollars please WITCH Nursecap2.png (talk) 19:05, 25 March 2023 (UTC)

@User:Viviancherry give me at least 1 dollar 🤣 $1 Jurta (talk) 19:24, 25 March 2023 (UTC)

@User:AFK can you give me 1 dollar 🥹 Jurta (talk) 20:22, 25 March 2023 (UTC)

hey wtf dont delegitimize my request WITCH Nursecap2.png (talk) 19:27, 25 March 2023 (UTC)

$1 Jurta (talk) 19:27, 25 March 2023 (UTC)

I want to make 1,000,000 Snowballs with my Snowball Machine and sell them for 5 shares each --Mayong (talk) 19:31, 25 March 2023 (UTC)

Can I have 1 dollare? (the dollare would go to IaN) - Copper Pepper (talk) 19:30, 25 March 2023 (UTC)

@FuzzyEpic3 I would like to buy your Nutshell token for one (1) Nutshell token. Would this be a satisfactory transaction? --hanss314 (talk) 19:32, 25 March 2023 (UTC)

DUDE WTF yk what fine you two have your fucking dollars i dont want them anymore WITCH Nursecap2.png (talk) 19:33, 25 March 2023 (UTC)

@hanss fuzzy already sold her nutshell token... check the Bank for a more up-to-date version of it -LUNA (talk) 19:34, 25 March 2023 (UTC)

@Hanss314 It would be had I not already sold my nutshell token. However, I would be willing to trade .01 of my shares for .01 of your shares. FuzzyEpic3 (talk) 19:36, 25 March 2023 (UTC)

I use my Beans Token to move Mark Genuine onto Checkpoint. AFK (talk) 19:50, 25 March 2023 (UTC)


  1. Copper Pepper has played a Nutshell Token!
  2. The Wiki Machine has sold a Nutshell Token for 0.17 shares. As a result, The Wiki Machine joins the board! Welcome to the board, The Wiki Machine!
  3. McDonald's Sweet n' Sour Sauce has played a Nutshell Token!
  4. Dexter Cut has played a Beans Token!
  5. Big Boy has played a Nutshell Token!
  6. Toy Blocks has sold a Nutshell Token for 0.17 shares. As a result, Toy Blocks joins the board! Welcome to the board, Toy Blocks!
  7. Image has played a Beans Token!

This concludes the economic period. There were 2 trades and 5 token plays.


Results will be in 3 days or less. In the meantime, bask in the economic period! But first:


Unfortnuately, it seems that Ostap, Tuna, Dodgeball, and In a Nutshell Jr. didn't participate, so they're out.

Liquidation III

Welcome to the board, Ostap and Tuna!

Challenge Results

There were 72 things! 71 of them do stuff, and 68 of them have limitations.

I really loved all of these things! Reading about these things was a pleasure. Anyway! Here we go:

Rank Competitor Thing Score
1 Emoticon 2057.7
2 Diary Mate 1155.6
3 Jurta Sylladex 798.1
4 Go Sign "I'm With" Shirt 627.8
5 The Computer Mahjong Night at TWC2 626.2
6 ZEITGEIST Contract 485.4
7 Playlist Remote 452.4
8 Christmas Techo Scarf Sun Dried Techo Claw 447.1
9 9150625 Stop Talking or Everybody Explodes 376.7
10 In a Nutshell Greet 354.8
11 Cellphone PictoChat 343
12 Terra Morning Glory Forest 304
13 Head of Lettuce Skate board 296.9
14 Paper Niko Netflix Instant Streaming Disc 279.7
15 Daisy Guild 244.9
16 Tombstone Royalty Crown 224.8
17 Bullseye Boge 216.4
18 Nurse Cap Hecate's Mirror 214.9
19 Toy Blocks Arlo 211.3
20 Copper Pepper Medal detector 207
21 Biscuit Tin The Most Superb Biscuit in the World 202.2
22 The Wiki Machine Magic 187.1
23 Sir Feet Excallusber 183.2
24 Dora The Controller Where You Press The Button To The Beat Of The Corresponding Note 181.1
25 Push Dagger Tiger 171.8
26 McDonald's Sweet n' Sour Sauce SaucE3 171
27 Fictional charcter Plot armor 164
28 Diffuser Paper Slips 161.9
29 Sketchy Crystal in a Bottle 158.9
30 Cake pop!!!!!!!!!!!!! Cake pop!!!!!!!!!!!! 156.4
31 Monitor Badges 155
32 Teenage Trouble Claws BLUEBLUE 152
33 Big Boy Piano 147.4
34 The Eater of Wikis EPIC RAP BATTLES OF WIKI CAMP! 146.4
35 Dexter Cut Obj c ropeSwing 141.5
36 Vandalism on The Wiki Camp 2 Sacred Rubber Sapling 136.5
37 123 Referee Fishtank 134
38 Image Extension Cord 7 in, SUPERDANA Power Strip Surge Protector with 12-14 USB Charging Ports and 66 AC Outlets, 900W/4A, Flat Plug Power Outlet for Home, Office, Dorm, Gaming Room, Fire 133.4
39 Mangrove James Bond 121.1
40 Flag The Toy Where You Put The Shape In The Non-Corresponding Hole 115.9
41 Sock Hater Portla Gun 112.7
42 Strawberry The Bean of Whimsical Justice 109.2
43 SFD Jigsaw Piece Trusty Pan 107.6
44 Mahjong Tile The Universal Manual 105.9
45 Duplo Motherfucking qr code 105
46 Sunny PopCorners 97.7
47 Perry Llelogram Perry-Sail 92.8
48 Traffic Regulator Corn Flakes 91.2
49 Open Sesame King cake 84.7
50 What Goomba 76.3
51 Rolly Big Tasty 75.2
52 Multiball Metal 72.9
53 Cauldron Kinning 68.3
54 Padlock Edit 63.5
55 U.U.F.O. String 62.8
56 Toasty Sad 61.2
57 Bean Sprout Oogneiss 59.1
58 Tahmahtoh Snorty Pig 55.8
59 LiSt Trousers 51.3
60 Gamer Red Shell 50.8
61 SswtUPtyOLI Baby photo's 🥹 50.2
62 EVIL Cake Pop¡¡¡¡¡ Oupydisc 49.6
63 Smobo Pokémon 42.1
64 Rotob Sburb 39.7
65 SummerMelon.docx Microsoft Word Amiibo 35.5
66 TheLegend27 Juneside Potion 35.2
67 T Series Car 5134 Mode 33.1
68 CrAIyon The Wiki Camp 2inator 21.4
69 Lost Artifact Billboard 20.8
70 Heat Death of the Universe Johnny 20
71 Slime Like..? -11
72 THE BIG CHEESE Thingamajig -143

Entries were scored using this fomula: =(E2*8)+(F2*9)-(4*G2^2)+75*(H2-1+I2-1)+CEILING(75*J2/(J2+K2+1))+((CEILING(SQRT(L2))+(M2*2)+N2-1)/10)

Team Averages

There was... this weird chunk of stuck-together empty teams in the way... so I had to split it by half this time.

Rank Team Average Votes Vote out
1 The Sponsored Segments 447.1 0 Eliminate 0
2 Host 443.883
3 The Mario Party 301.55
4 Epic Evil 234.5
5 The Ultimate Heist Crew 185.875

∴ ~177

I like this Team Name
Teem Fair-E Land
10 Damn seal 154.71 1 Eliminate 1
11 A Clique of Radical Omnicool Nonchalant Young-ish Members 154.06
12 \\err:404 130.175
13 Team 17 123.38
14 Anyone Who’s Played Candy Crush Level 87 Understands That the Idea of a Compassionate God Is a Naive One 89.0428571
15 Low Hangers 69.5
16 Wanted contestants 68.3
17 Checkpoint 66.7
18 The Ostaps 5.2

Ya might be thinking, hey wait a second, doesn't this doom Cauldron since you gotta vote and there's only one competitor on Wanted contestants? Well don't worry. Voting's a liiittle different this time. Stay tuned!


I'm changing it again.

How many votes am I allowed to cast?

Refer to the "Votes" column in the previous table. Your most recent private vote will be the one I count, so you can change your vote at any time by resending, as long as it's before the deadline.

How many people will our team have to eliminate?

Refer to the "Vote out" column in the previous table.

How do we vote?

SocialProfile will be reinstalled. Once it's here, PM User:Satomi like last time. Make sure it's private this time. Public votes will not be counted!

Click here to vote!

Voting mechanics

It's different again, so pay attention! Changed sections will be underlined again.

  • The person with the most votes on each team will be eliminated, with exceptions outlined below. (this is not new, just no longer implicit).
  • The number of people a team needs to eliminate (0, 1) represents a MAXIMUM.
    • A team that must eliminate 1 person can reduce this to 0 by having the votes be spread evenly across more than one candidate.
      • This works by removing the tied candidates from the pool of people who could be eliminated, so a 2/2/1 split would still result in the person who got 1 vote being eliminated.
  • When votes are revealed, only the quantities and the people eliminated will be shown, not who got which quantities. So you'll see, like, 0/2/4 and only know who got the 4, not who got the 0 or the 2.
  • You may not vote for yourself.
  • Failing to vote will result in autoelimination.
    • This is the only way for someone with 0 votes to be eliminated... that is, nobody can be voted out with 0 votes.
    • Being autoeliminated in this way uses up an 'elimination need' slot on your team, potentially rescuing your teammates from elimination.
      • However, going beyond quota is possible. For example, if 3 people on a team fail to vote, they will all be eliminated, even if their team only needed to eliminate 2 people.
  • You are not limited to voting for people on your own team.
    • You must vote for a competitor who's on a team that must eliminate someone.

Is the SocialProfile extension installed yet?

Yes. Voting starts now.


Voting ends on April 3, at 6pm eastern.


During the voting period, if you want, you may PM User:Satomi suggestions for future board agendas.


Not starting yet, although, due to quittal, there's one team whose elimination is already resolved.

The Ostaps

CrAIyon has quit. This fulfills your elimination quota. As a result, I've decided you're exempt from needing to vote. You will not be autoeliminated for failing to vote. Congrats!


People... you were only allowed to vote for people who are up for elimination. If you voted for Spamton or THE BIG CHEESE, your vote wasn't counted, and you'll be autoeliminated. I'm so sorry. This makes Me very sad. Cry: Next time, I'll make a list of valid voting targets, to make things easier.

Damn seal

123 Referee failed to vote, so she's autoeliminated, reducing the quota to zero! Goodbye, 123 Referee! Votes for her will still be counted.

Now for the voting:


None eliminated.

A Clique of Radical Omnicool Nonchalant Young-ish Members


None eliminated, at a reduction of 1! Great job!



None eliminated, at a reduction of 1! Great job!

Team 17


None eliminated, at a reduction of 1! Great job, and impressive plan!

Anyone Who’s Played Candy Crush Level 87 Understands That the Idea of a Compassionate God Is a Naive One

Heat Death of the Universe failed to vote, so it's autoeliminated, reducing the quota to zero! Goodbye, Heat Death of the Universe! Votes for it will still be counted.

Now for the voting:


None eliminated.

Low Hangers


At 3 votes, Mahjong Tile has been voted out. Goodbye, Mahjong Tile!

Wanted contestants

Cauldron failed to vote correctly, so they're autoeliminated, reducing the quote to zero! Goodbye, Cauldron! Votes for them will still be counted.


None eliminated.


Mark Genuine failed to vote, so he's autoeliminated, reducing the quota to zero! Goodbye, Mark Genuine! Votes for him will still be counted.


None eliminated.

The Ostaps

CrAIyon quit before voting closed, reducing the quota to zero!


None eliminated.


Let's roll!


I actually miscalculated something, I just realized. This is the actual vote distribution for Team 17:


In the next board meeting, we'll vote to see if this person should be kept in. I apologize for this error. I'll double check next time.

Weasel Token

Congratulations to Checkpoint for being the first team to ever eliminate an eliminated competitor! Each of you gets a Weasel Token!

Nutshell Token

Congratulations to the members of the empty teams for making it above the voting line for once! Each of you gets a Nutshell Token!

Outstanding Action Commendation

Thanks for including a black t-shirt in your entry. Take a Beans Token! Also, your entry was the closest to what I had in mind when I created this challenge! The ideal thing!

Efficiency Champion

You scored last, but weren't even up for elimination! You even received an invalid vote! But you lived! It's a miracle! Take a Snowball Token!


Please... I can't take it anymore... solve the previous secret... the hint was recently changed but still exists on the wiki. Consider answers you may have previously decided couldn't be the solution. And remember that it's more of a trivia question than a puzzle.
