Niko, The Legend on Four Paws


Seal stats Seal Currents
Experience 21 Speed 391 Age 15 years, 3 months
Level 21 Smarts 351 Hunger 12/100
Strength 21 Skill 7 Energy 1/100
Stamina 87 Yo 206 Impression 21/100
Agility 401 Mama!! 135 Personality Ferocious (Social)
Appearance Markings Opacity Tier
Base Bogedust Slot 1 Glitter Dust Galaxy 4 12% 3
Genetics Rust Dark Countershaded Special Slot 2 White Unders 1% 3
Eyes Heterochromia Slot 3 39% 3
Mane type Bald Slot 4 Festive Jollyshine 83% 6
Mane color Graphite Slot 5 59% 0
Mutation Piebald (Cosmic) Slot 6 Scrambled Rosette 3% 5
Marking slots 7 Slot 7 63% 1
Equipped Decorations Uses Above? Below?
Onyx Fur Boots 1 Y N
Golden Strike Horns 3 Y N
Glacier Saberteeth 3 Y N

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