
“ | ooooohhh what is this mysterious plac | ” |
Noah is a competitor on the Wiki Camp 2, formerly a non-competitor that has since debuted and entered the game during Challenge 6. Originally portrayed as a P.O.V. character to contrast the whimsical nature of the camp, it has since been revealed that he is a moral perfectionist who seeks to destroy all that he deems to be "evil, including The Wiki Camp 2 itself. He is a being commonly associated with universal constants, as there is one of each of him in every universe. Noah is known for his allegedly renowned fighting prowess, his enjoyment of the popular Japanese franchise Dragon Ball, and his relation with his other universal variants and evil counterpart and arch nemesis adversary, Evil Noah. He is currently a member of Team Epic Evil. He has recently found himself under employment of a mysterious higher power with ulterior and possibly destructive motivations.
Powers and Stats
Tier: 1-C, likely far higher before he made an account | at least 7-B | 2-A with Herald powers | 10-C when he turned into an Armadillo | 4-A with Autonomous Ultra Nitro
Name: Noah N. Noah (Noah #B23C44)
Origin: Originally appeared during judging during the aftermath of the Edit War, on the Wiki Camp 2 Discord Server.
Gender: Male
Age: ??? (At least 244)
Classification: Human, Time-Space Anomaly, Cosmic Herald
Powers and Abilities: Noahcule Physiology: Noah's unique physiology is mostly due to him producing his own incredibly potent energy source known as Noahcules, which allows for near limitless energy usage. | Mastery over multiple forms of *fictional* Martial Arts | Mild Toonforce, Shapeshifting Abilities: As seen when fighting Evil Noah in Revelation) | Energy/Soul Projection: Re-manifested as a ghostly apparition after having his body taken over by Evil Noah, fought him off screen in the Pissed off Minisaga. | Skilled in using a sword (As seen when he cut Evil Noah in half in Revelation) | Item Conjury: Noah is able to conjure many different items seemingly out of nowhere, which he can use to aid him in battle or any casual situation. | Apparent "mastery over all the abilities goku has an I'm stronger than superman and punches explode universe man I'm so cool I like strong than marvel and dc and scpverse very man omg" (Statement remains unproven.) | Transformation Between Animals: So far, he has been seen as an armadillo. | Autonomous Ultra Nitro: An ability which allows Noah to channel the power of Discord Nitro, giving him insurmountable power. | Money Beam: An ability that allows Noah to fire a flash of energy at his opponents, instantly rewriting their molecular structure and turning them into piles of money. In order to activate said ability, Noah must say “MONEY BEAM, GO!” while having his arm pointing at his opponent. | Clairvoyance: Noah can see into the future I think. | Coffee Beam: Same as the Money Beam, except this actually wakes up anybody who’s hit with it instead of turning them into money. | Nuh Uh-Ken: This ability allows Noah to multiply his Nuh Uh by any number he desires. | Burger Headache Spell | Ki Blasts | Whimsy Mode
Attack Potency: Atleast Low Complex Multiversal (Has stated as such before he made an account, actual valid proof of strength is unseen.) | Small Building level+ (Peter Griffin Transformation) | Wall Level, Large Building Level+ (As seen when he transformed into Jotaro Kujo) | Mountain Level (As seen in Revelation when fighting Evil Noah)
Speed: At least Hypersonic (Assuming before account creation, the statement remains unproven.) | Subsonic+, likely Supersonic (Peter Griffin Transformation) | Superhuman, Massively FTL (Jotaro Kujo Transformation) | FTL+ (As seen when fighting Evil Noah in Revelation)
Lifting Strength: idk lmao
Striking Strength: Low Complex Multiversal (Based off of previously unproven statements.) | Small Building Level+ (Peter Griffin Transformation)
Durability: Low Complex Multiversal (Based off of previously unproven statements.) | Small Building level+ (As seen in bruises sustained when in Peter Griffin transformation fighting Evil Noah.)
Stamina: Superhuman (Multitude of his abilities acquire immense energy to perform.)
Range: Nearly Limitless (Unsourced statement by Noah, seemingly had the ability before he made an account if statement is led to be true.) | Dozens of Meters (As seen when he cut right through Evil Noah in Revelation)
Standard Equipment: nothing he's broke lmao
- Optional Equipment: Infinity Sword???? Myabe?????? | Death Note: Noah temporarily possessed a Death Note during the Death Note Saga, allowing him to instantly kill anybody as long as he has an image of their face in his head, and he writes down their full name within the book.
- Can Create/Summon: Anybody on his Phone List (Seemingly can dial and summon anybody with their phone number registered on his phone, to aid him during combat. The person who has been summoned will teleport back to their original location afterwards (regardless of if Noah won the encounter/if they are now dead.)
Intelligence: Average Human Level, albeit slightly naive. Extreme ignorance and airheadedness may cloud his judgement (Noah has a very poor and flawed grasp on morality, in line with old PSA cartoon characters)
Standard Tactics: Random Bullshit: (Noah's signature fighting style. Extremely disorganized and chaotic in a battle, often attempts to use all of his abilities in tandem and brute force his way through his opponents, rarely giving them a chance to breathe or even get a sentence in during the fight. Although this can prove to be incredibly useful, as its unpredictability can be troublesome for most fighters, it can also be a detriment to Noah as well, causing him to slip up or even accidentally damage himself in the process. In short, it can basically be described as you fighting a potara fusion of a Professional YOMI Hustle player and a professional Ultrakill speedrunner on morphine.)
Weaknesses: Noahcule Manipulation: Attempting to alter Noaah's physiology will cause him intense physical and mental anguish, and also has the possibility of turning his Noahcules into Negative Noahcules, turning him into a regular Evil Noah. | Swearing: As Noah strictly forbids himself to say curse words as a way to preserve his "family-friendly image", successfully getting Noah to swear unwillingly will manage to damper his mood, putting him off guard as well as weakening his abilities. | Fear of Shinigami: Noah was scared of Ryuk during the Death Note Saga. | Giant Glue Traps
Feats: Noah has many amazing feats, such as: that one time
Notable Attacks/Techniques: Super Ultimately Cool Punch: Noah punches the enemy with a devastating strike. instantly killing the opponent he's facing. Has a 0.00000000000000004% success rate of working in succession.
Key: Cosmic Herald Noah: Noah's current form after being given special abilities by the rogue god Ian. The form has yet to be given sufficient significance needed to document further. | Ghostly Apparition Noah: Noah's form whenever he is locked out of using his corporeal body. Only used once against a psychic battle with Evil Noah.
- that Noah is cool....B)
- He has opinions.
Notable Victories:
Evil Noah [Second Encounter] (The Wiki Camp 2) Evil Noah's profile (Both were 7-B, speed was equalized and battle took place in Ian's Domain)
Iron Abundance 1 (The Normal Camp 2) Iron Abundance 1's profile (Speed was equalized, fight took place in The Wiki RTS 2)
Iron Abundance 220483 (The Normal Camp 2) Iron Abundance 220483's profile (Fight took place in The Wiki RTS 2)
Shadowghost (Battle For A Scary) Shadowghost's profile (Fight took place in The Forest, and speed was equalized)
Lord Akyveton (Paradox Space (Camp [Aspect])) Lord Akyveton's profile (Fight took place on Motlat)
blue Monkey D. Luffy (Twitter) blue Luffy's profile (Fight took place in Wano Country)
Queen Ant (CalebCity) Queen Ant's profile (Fight took place in Caleb's Bedroom (Ant Den))
Happy Star (SacriStuff) Happy Star's profile (Fight took place in space, and speed was equalized)
Bandage Girl (Super Meat Boy) Bandage Girl's profile (Fight took place in Hell)
Burger (The Wiki Camp 2) Burger's profile (Fight took place on the Nintendo Wiki)
Notable Losses:
Evil Noah [First Encounter] (The Wiki Camp 2) Evil Noah's profile (Both were 7-B, Ghostly Apparition Noah was used, and battle took place in Evil Noah's subconscious)
Son Goku (Dragon Ball) Son Goku's profile (Both were 2-A, and speed was equalized)
Inconclusive Matches:
Bugbo (Bugbo) Bugbo's profile (Speed was equalized)
The button that instantly kills noah
Use W/S to control the left paddle, and use I/K to control the right paddle.
{"name":"ball","init":{"x":310,"y":170,"vx":0.2,"vy":0.1},"streams":[{"type":"body:mousemove,mouseover,mouseout,body:wheel","expr":"{x:if(ball.x < -20 || ball.x > width,310,ball.x+(ball.vx*,y:ball.y+(ball.vy*,vx:if((ball.x<width-60 && ball.x+(ball.vx*>width-60 && ball.y+(ball.vy*<paddle2.y+100 && ball.y+(ball.vy*>paddle2.y) || (ball.x>40 && ball.x+(ball.vx*<40 && ball.y+(ball.vy*<paddle1.y+100 && ball.y+(ball.vy*>paddle1.y),ball.vx*-1,ball.vx),vy:if((ball.y<height-20 && ball.y+(ball.vy*>height-20) || (ball.y>0 && ball.y+(ball.vy*<0),ball.vy*-1,ball.vy)}"}]},
{"name":"paddle1","init":{"y":100,"vy":0},"streams":[ {"type":"body:keydown[event.code=='KeyW']","expr":"{y:paddle1.y,vy:-.1}"}, {"type":"body:keyup[event.code=='KeyW']","expr":"{y:paddle1.y,vy:if(paddle1.vy<0,0,paddle1.vy)}"}, {"type":"body:keydown[event.code=='KeyS']","expr":"{y:paddle1.y,vy:.1}"}, {"type":"body:keyup[event.code=='KeyS']","expr":"{y:paddle1.y,vy:if(paddle1.vy>0,0,paddle1.vy)}"}, {"type":"body:mousemove,mouseover,mouseout,body:wheel","expr":"{y:clamp(paddle1.y+(paddle1.vy*,0,height-100),vy:paddle1.vy}"}]},
{"name":"paddle2","init":{"y":200,"vy":0},"streams":[ {"type":"body:keydown[event.code=='KeyI']","expr":"{y:paddle2.y,vy:-.1}"}, {"type":"body:keyup[event.code=='KeyI']","expr":"{y:paddle2.y,vy:if(paddle2.vy<0,0,paddle2.vy)}"}, {"type":"body:keydown[event.code=='KeyK']","expr":"{y:paddle2.y,vy:.1}"}, {"type":"body:keyup[event.code=='KeyK']","expr":"{y:paddle2.y,vy:if(paddle2.vy>0,0,paddle2.vy)}"}, {"type":"body:mousemove,mouseover,mouseout,body:wheel","expr":"{y:clamp(paddle2.y+(paddle2.vy*,0,height-100),vy:paddle2.vy}"}]}], "marks":[{
"type":"rect", "properties":{ "enter":{"fill":{"value":"white"},"width":{"value":20},"height":{"value":20}}, "update":{"x":{"signal":"ball.x"},"y":{"signal":"ball.y"}} }
"type":"rect", "properties":{ "enter":{"fill":{"value":"white"},"width":{"value":20},"height":{"value":100},"x":{"value":20}}, "update":{"y":{"signal":"paddle1.y"}} }
"type":"rect", "properties":{ "enter":{"fill":{"value":"white"},"width":{"value":20},"height":{"value":100},"x":{"value":600}}, "update":{"y":{"signal":"paddle2.y"}} }}]}</graph>
Main Theme
Fight Theme