Difference between revisions of "ChaIIenges"

From The Wiki Camp 2
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* [[ChaIIenge 7: Discourse]]
* [[ChaIIenge 7: Discourse]]
* [[ChaIIenge 8: Whomst'd've the fuck?]]
* [[ChaIIenge 8: Whomst'd've the fuck?]]
* [[ChaIIenge 9]]
* [[ChaIIenge 9: 7 Monarchies]]
* [[ChaIIenge 10: Movies]]
[[Category:Challenges (unofficial)]]
[[Category:Challenges (unofficial)]]

Latest revision as of 18:54, 14 June 2024

ChaIIenges are alternative challenges from The Wiki Camp 2, being a bit harder and variating on some points, while retaining the same base from the originals they're based on. ChaIIenges are made accessible by completing a character route in Story Mode, then playing as this character again, which will unlock Alt Mode for said character.

List of ChaIIenges