
From The Wiki Camp 2
Revision as of 21:02, 12 September 2022 by Satomi (talk | contribs)
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Battle for honeko omg.png
Nicknames Dall-E Mini, Crayon
Species Crayon
Gender Male
Pronouns He/Him
Friends None
Enemies None
Discord profile Lirachonyr#8764
Wiki user Мало Ло Кто Такой

CrAIyon (formerly Dall-E Mini) is a male contestant in The Wiki Camp 2.


He looks like an orange crayon, specifically - crayon from CrAIyon logo. He has 2 hands and 2 legs.


One of his drawings (made using CrAIyon)

He has an ability to draw anything he sees, but result is very distorted from original. Sometimes his drawings can come to life, but it's rarely seen.


He always is very calm and serious. It's very hard to make him angry. If you see him, there's a big chance that he's drawing on walls or somewhere else. He's a big fan of Rick Astley.


  • CrAIyon has got very poor eyesight, but he doesn't wear glasses.
  • He will never give you up.
  • He like pineapple pizza.
  • In the past, he watched many different object shows.
