
Paper Pottymouth is the cuss-slinging rebel variant of Paper Niko. After Paper Niko fell off with kids ages 5-10 (and also janitors, in a statistical anomaly), new life was breathed into the franchise. Paper Pottymouth no longer respects his parents.

Early life

Legal troubles

Paper Pottymouth was quickly banned in several countries for being a bad influence on the youth. In retaliation, the creators of Paper Niko aired a TV spot where they slowly killed off their characters until the bans were lifted, which was successful.

Favorite swears

Paper Pottymouth loves all foul language, but these are his favs:

  • Bugs
  • I'm thinking "No"!
  • Shit
  • Door slammer
  • Pork
  • Drats
  • Shut up
  • As if!