Challenge 3

From The Wiki Camp 2
Revision as of 18:39, 9 November 2022 by Jurta (talk | contribs)
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the power of three


Yup. it's just episodes again. Sorry for being so predictable like that. However, things will work a bit differently this time so read carefully.



Additional notes

(Low Hangers is exempt from this challenge because they are cool and epic and I, Divine "Nerpy Scuba" Goddess have bet my life savings on them)

oh and Epic Evil too LALA! Bbecause I have been taken captive by the Cat Wizard help help aaaaaaahhhhh

soon everything below this text will be wiped completely clean![citation needed] here are some words: it's always "what about nerpy scuba?" but never "how about nerpy scuba?"

[11:56:23]  nerpaseymour  |  look at this thang Okinberries.png


Hey guys. The Divine Goddess here. So i ntoiced that you guys have been having so much fun with this new SocialProfile extension. I was thinking about uninstalling it when there was no voting happening, but i decided for this time only I will be keeping them around a bit longer. In fact, they're going to be the focus of this challenge!

Here's how this works:

  • The challenge is to decorate your socialprofile. You can get a link to yours in the upper-right corner where your username is.
  • You are allowed to leave comments on other peoples profiles.
  • At the end of the deadline I will be judging the profile of every user who is still in the game, regardless if they have edited it since the start of the challenge or not. So good luck!