Explain/Vriska Serket

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The Vriska Serket in question.
See also: Explain/Homestuck

Vriska Serket is a prominent character from multimedia webcomic Homestuck, as well as a non-player character and benefactor in the Wiki Camp 2.

In Homestuck

TL;DR: Vriska is a controversial character, which is funny.

Part of the implied comedy with Vriska is her controversial nature - the opinions of Vriska range from "Vriska is a Huge Bitch" to ironic and unironic mutterings of "Vriska Did Nothing Wrong" and everywhere in between. This controversy about Vriska permeates the comic itself - Andrew Hussie took notice and constantly made fun of the negative opinions of Vriska by regurgitating positive ones, to the point where Hussie writes himself into the canon events of the comic to ask for her hand in marriage. She decks him in the face.

On one hand, Vriska, by definition, is a serial killer, leading multiple other unnamed trolls to their death in order to feed her lusus (parental figure). She has also orchestrated and manipulated the casualties of members of the group on several occasions, including using psychic powers to get Tavros to jump off a cliff (and later just straight up murdering him), using psychic powers to get Sollux to kill Aradia, and using a Psychic Double Reach-Around to blind Terezi. In addition, Vriska acts on random whims on several occasions out of vanity or purely personal satisfaction, in ways that go against everyone's interests (e.g. causing events that directly lead to the creation of Bec Noir out of a belief that she is destined to create and destroy him, and then later gloating about doing this).

On the other hand, it's worth keeping in mind that Vriska lived on Alternia, a world that was hand created (Doc Scratch) to be a hyper-violent, self-serving society that emphasizes warrior-hood in addition to being a bastion of troll misery. For example, Vriska becoming a serial killer is spurred by her having a lusus that requires the consumption of trolls to live, in a world where the death of a lusus means the culling of the troll that the lusus was taking care of. While lusii are implied to exist in the pre-scratch troll universe, the brutality of the world the trolls live in is objectively a creation of Doc Scratch, so it's safe to assume that Aranea Serket did not have to deal with feeding her lusus which makes this a unique situation for Vriska to deal with. In some part, Vriska's nonchalance about death and murder is a symptom of the hyper-violent society that she lives in - in terms of Alternia, it's the equivalent of a 13 year old bully that fucks with people all the time for personal amusement, just with more bloodshed.

And, you know, she said she felt bad about actually murdering a guy after she did it. So, you know.

In The Wiki Camp 2

Either way, no matter what your alignment on the Vriska Serket Political Compass is, it is undeniable that she is at least an interesting and funny character to exist, which makes her random appearances funny. This may stem from a previous meme on Tumblr in which Vriska would similarly show up, labelled, in various places where she was not supposed to be. In addition, Vriska showing up in random places is a reference to an aspect of her Thief of Light classpect in Homestuck, where she metaphorically steals the spotlight by having the comic focus on her on multiple occasions.

Vriska's first appearance on the Wiki Camp 2 is, fittingly, the Vriska Serket page, created on 24 August 2022 by User:FuzzyEpic3. Template:Vriska Sponsored was made 2 days later, making her a benefactor.

The pun of Vriska Circuit 3 was created by User:Tygreenie on the same day as Vriska Serket. Vriska Circuit 2 was created 6 days later.

Since then, Vriska has shown up in various places, either via the Vriska Sponsored template or in pesterlogs, and even a challenge entry mentioning her controversies: Reasons Vriska Was Never Wrong.

Vriska Serket.webp This article is sponsored 8y Vriska Serket