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Created page with "CrAIyon's on other competitors. == Opinions == === 123 Referee === She looks very familiar... I think I saw her on the TV. === 9150625 === What. === Ad ===..."
[[CrAIyon]]'s on other competitors.

== Opinions ==

=== [[123 Referee]] ===
She looks very familiar... I think I saw her on the TV.

=== [[9150625]] ===

=== [[Ad]] ===
Once he tried buying one of my drawings for 30000$. I gave it to him for free. I don't know why he wanted to pay me so much for it.

=== [[Atlanta Souviner Cup]] ===
I get many requests from him. I'm happy that people like my art.

=== [[Bacon Cola]] ===
I like his jokes.

=== [[Bean Sprout]] ===
I don't know about Sprout, but Bean likes my art. I like talking with him - he's very nice guy.

=== [[Big Boy]] ===
Wait, he's alive? I always thought he was just a train.

=== [[Biscuit Tin]] ===
Wow, his Pokémon card collection is very big. Where did he get all those cards...

=== [[Black]] ===
I want to know more about it.

=== [[Bot the mew]] ===
I like his plush, especially its hat.

=== [[Briny]] ===
Eww... I don't like pickles.

=== [[Bullseye]] ===
I think he doesn't like me. Maybe I should ask him about it...

=== [[Candy Stick]] ===
We help each other with painting. I like talking with him.

=== [[Cauldron]] ===
I didn't know about his dark past when we met... Now I'm scared of him.

=== [[Cellphone]] ===
She always tries making jokes, but I never found her jokes funny. She should definitely learn about humor from [[Bacon Cola]].

=== [[Christmas Techo Scarf]] ===
I don't want to talk about her.

=== [[Copper Pepper]] ===
I thought she was a pumpkin.

=== [[CrAIyon]] ===
I don't have opinion about myself.

=== [[Creative Commons & Copyright]] ===
I like their powers.

=== '''MORE COMING SOON...''' ===

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