6,762 bytes added
, 20:23, 4 October 2022
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YOUCANNOTSEEME, okaynowyoucan;
0s, 1s;
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0% { }
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100% {opacity:0%;}
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{{About-distinguish|the research foundation|[[HaZe Online Sports Troupe|the eSports team]]|[[Hardware Overclock Sound Team|the electronic music duo]]|[[Hog rider fan cOnteStanTs|the Hog Rider fanclub]]|[[Hahaha Okin Salad Toss|the recreational salad tossing organization]]}}
[[Category:Teams (official)]]
{{Infobox space agency
| title = Houston Omniversal Science and Technology
| agency_type = [[Space agency]]<br>[[SETI|Extraterrestial intelligence search]]<br>[[Cosmoradiological surveyor]]
<!-- |seal [[Funny joke]] -->
<!-- |seal_alt = Who the fuck let this [[damn seal]] have a MediaWiki account, and at that, two? -->
<!-- |seal_caption = [[Damn seal]] -->
|logo = [[File:HOST_(SciTech)_Logo.png|frameless|upright=0.7]]
|logo_alt = A radially-symmetrical pink logo portraying a stylized rendition of a black hole surrounded by six solar gear teeth, flanked by black text in Helvetica Neue font, reading Houston Omniversal Science & Technologies.
|logo_caption = HOST "black hole gear" insignia
|acronym = HOST
|owner = Proprietary
|formed = {{Start date and age|2022|10|1}}
|headquarters = [[Rectangle Zone]]
|motto = ''For the Benefit of {{Flippant special|'''[ALL.]'''|all.}}''
|employees = 2{{Citation needed}}
|budget = {{steady}} Not reported
|leader_title = Administrator
|leader_name = [[ZEITGEIST/Wikipedia|<span class=wocky>'''[THE ZEITGEIST]'''</span>]]
|leader_title2 = Deputy Administrator
|leader_name2 = {{Flippant|N/A|Nobody in particular.}}
<span>The '''Houston Omniversal Science and Technology''' ('''HOST''') is a privately-owned agency headquartered within Rectangle Zone. It was founded on October 1, 2022, by <span class=wocky id=youknowwhatfuckyou>'''[THE ZEITGEIST]'''</span> in an attempt to research a <span id=blink>mysterious phenomenon in the cosmic microwave background radiation</span>. The impetus for its formation was <span id=youknowwhatfuckyou>[[Challenge 2]]</span>.</span>
-<span>Information on the study of the <span id=blink>cosmic microwave background radiation</span> is hard to obtain in and of itself, as any metastudies into the research itself invariably result in a mysterious amnesiac effect, and all publications to date exhibit strange behavior, including but not limited to flickering text and shifting format. The only information that exists on the topic can be found at <span id=youknowwhatfuckyou><span id=blink>[[9150625|this page]]</span></span>, though the information present within is highly suspect at best, as the edit history from two centuries in the future, the page is riddled with unprofessional editing conduct, and a myriad other reasons.</span>
<span>Both disheartened and inspired by this lack of available information, <span class=wocky id=youknowwhatfuckyou>'''[THE ZEITGEIST]'''</span> set out to rectify this issue by founding HOST. As such, since its conception, it has been explicitly dedicated toward original research and documentation on the <span id=blink>above-stated phenomenon</span>. Seeing as this was concurrent with the duration of <span id=youknowwhatfuckyou>[[Challenge 2]]</span>, it was registered as an official team as well. When asked about how she felt about being on a solo team, <span class=wocky id=youknowwhatfuckyou>'''[THE ZEITGEIST]'''</span> stated that she was "none too bothered by it," and remains optimistic about her ability to perform well in spite of this apparent disadvantage<ref>{{Flippant|Self-published.|That's irritating.}}</ref>.</span>
<span>The relative new age of the agency means that there is an unfortunate lack of published research at this point in time, though there remain many potential projects. <span class=wocky id=youknowwhatfuckyou>'''[THE ZEITGEIST]'''</span> has stated that her efforts in the field will soon yield fruit, and that she is "eager to share [her] findings with the scientific community at large" as soon as they are available<ref>{{Flippant|Ibid|That's *even more* irritating.}}</ref>.</span>
== References ==
<indicator name="Popup">A critical error has occurred. Please stand by and consult the relevant [[error logs]]. An administrator will be here to assist you soon.</indicator>
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