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536 bytes added ,  02:53, 5 October 2022
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'''Epic Evil''' formerly '''Epic''' is a team made by [[Daisy]] for people who are just as epic as she is!!!! We do stuff liek draw and play Minecraft and Pokemon and shares FUNNY CAT PHOTOS so join ok??? Please!!!!!!!
'''Epic Evil''' formerly '''Epic''' is a team made by [[Daisy]] for people who are just as epic as she is!!!! We do stuff liek draw and play Minecraft and Pokemon and shares FUNNY CAT PHOTOS so join ok??? Please!!!!!!!
[[File:Epic1.png|thumb|We know our God is merciful, because if they weren't, they would have smote us by now.|378x378px]]
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um actually... it's HERstory* (epic is a female team) #feminism #girl
um actually... it's HERstory* (epic evil is a female team) #feminism #girl
[[File:Epic1.png|thumb|We know our God is merciful, because if they weren't, they would have smote us by now.|378x378px]]
=== HERSTORY ===
=== HERSTORY ===
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since then daisey and lettucy have been  getting along ok i guess. lettuce likes [[pokemon]] ok so the two usually do [[Dueling pianos|pokemon duels]].
since then daisey and lettucy have been  getting along ok i guess. lettuce likes [[pokemon]] ok so the two usually do [[Dueling pianos|pokemon duels]].
BUT on october 4th 2022 epic and evil decided to [[Steven Universe|FUSE]] into [[1|one]] [[Okin|unholy being]]. head of lettuce was very excited to have some actual [[evil]] people on the team. However, upon further inspection [[flag]] and [[Push Dagger|push dagger]] were not all that evil, just [[Daft Punk|a couple of french folks]].
*if we lived in the sewers our team name would be [[Septic]]
*if we lived in the sewers our team name would be [[Septic]] Evil
*did that joke not land for you? well here is some [[Antiseptic]]
*did that joke not land for you? well here is some "Good" [[Antiseptic]]
*epic currently has two members, meaning we have the same number of people as there are [[Walter White|walter]] and [[Jesse Pinkman|jesse]]
*epic evil currently has "[[four]]" members, meaning we have the same number of people as there are [[John Lemon|john]] [[Paul MacArtney|paul]] [[Georgia|george]] and [[Vriska Serket|ringo]]
*head of lettuce and daisy both have [[plant]] and [[mammal]] aspects to their charact[[e]]<nowiki/>rs
*head of lettuce and daisy both have [[plant]] and [[mammal]] aspects to their charact[[e]]<nowiki/>rs
*we have yet to find any organic plant or mammal tissue on flag or push dagger,<nowiki/> but our scientists are working endlessly
*help im trapped in the trivia section of a team page!!!!!!!!!!!!
*help im trapped in the trivia section of a team page!!!!!!!!!!!!


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