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368 bytes added ,  14:56, 28 December 2022
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<hr><div style="flex-grow:2;flex-basis:350px;">'''Th[[e]] Wiki Camp 2''' is a''n'' obj''e''ct camp -styled game where you do challenges by editing a [[wiki]].
<hr><div style="flex-grow:2;flex-basis:350px;">'''Th[[e]] Wiki Camp 2''' is a''n'' obj''e''ct camp -styled game whe<span style="color:#009999"><u>re</u></span> you do ch<span style="color:#009999"><u>a</u></span>llenges by e<span style="color:#009999"><u>d</u></span>iting a [[wiki]].
It's meant to be lighthearted [[and]] not be that stressful, but if you find that it's stressing you out, please take a break. There is no actual prize for [[Chicken Game|winning]], so there should be no stakes.
It's meant to be lighthea<span style="color:#009999"><u>r</u></span>ted [[and]] not be that stressful, but if you find that it's stressing you out, <span style="color:#009999"><u>p</u></span>lease take a break. There is no a<span style="color:#009999"><u>c</u></span>tual prize for [[Chicken Game|winning]], so there should be no stakes.
If [[you]] have some kind of issue regarding the camp or the ser''v''er or anyon''e'' on it, do not hesitate to contact [[User:Satomi]] about it.
If [[you]] have some kind of issue regarding the camp or the ser''v''er or anyon''e'' on it, do not hesitate to contact [[User:Satomi]] about it.
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==List of challenges==
==List of challenges==
idk 💔
if a brotha want some smoke I let this choppa eat his livuh
<span style="color:#009999"><u>205</u></span>


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