Line 99:
Line 99:
<option>... that there are 149,186 Unicode characters as of Version 15.0</option>
<option>... that there are 149,186 Unicode characters as of Version 15.0</option>
<option>... about the existence of this camp?</option>
<option>... about the existence of this camp?</option>
<option>... that there are {{#countDownClock:2023-02-12 18:30:00}} until '''THE SUPER BOWL! YEEEEEAAAAAHHHHH'''</option>
<option>... that today is '''THE SUPER BOWL! YEEEEEAAAAAHHHHH'''</option>
<option>... that [[Pinniped|pinnipeds]], especially [[Nerpa|nerpas]], are considered one of the ugliest damn things ever?</option>
<option>... that [[Pinniped|pinnipeds]], especially [[Nerpa|nerpas]], are considered one of the ugliest damn things ever?</option>
<option>... that [[Pinniped|pinnipeds]] are anticipated to go extinct in the year 2064?</option>
<option>... that [[Pinniped|pinnipeds]] are anticipated to go extinct in the year 2064?</option>