The Wiki Camp 2 BABIEZ
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The Wiki Camp 2 BABIEZ is a spinoff of The Wiki Camp 2 and a direct sequel to Wiki Camp Babies. Unlike the prequel, Morshu-Bob-Bloomberg-Snrub Consolidated Interests has nothing to do with this.
. <- emoticon baby
The Wiki Camp 2 BABIEZ: The Movie
The Wiki Camp 2 BABIEZ: The Movie is a baby sensory video developed by SMW Studios in Toronto. Unlike its declared main rivals Baby Einstein and Cocomelon, it has a Wikicamp2core flair.
Cold open
Each episode opens with an audio snippet of an orchestra warming up. The conductor taps their baton—something we might've never seen at a concert hall—before a pipe organ plays the beginning of the toccata section of Johann Sebastian Bach's Toccata and Fugue in D minor, BWV 565 while a Rotating CSS Tesseract but every plane is a Rotating CSS Cube rotates before a black hole swallows it.
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart's Piano Sonata No. 16 in C major, K. 545 accompanies the intro, where the characters all dance in a circle.