User:Christianosc/Test Page

From The Wiki Camp 2
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Banana Body.png test, hi i'm speaking

Blueberry Body.png test, hi i'm speaking

Cellphone Body.png test, hi i'm speaking

Cereal Box Body.png test, hi i'm speaking

Cheese Orb Body.png test, hi i'm speaking

Chocolate Bar Body.png test, hi i'm speaking

Chocolate Milk Body.png test, hi i'm speaking

Cookie Body.png test, hi i'm speaking

Dollar Body.png test, hi i'm speaking

Juice Box Body.png test, hi i'm speaking

Pentagon Body.png test, hi i'm speaking

Pinky Neutral.png test, hi i'm speaking

Rainbow Blocky Body Cabinet.png test, hi i'm speaking

Red Ball Body.png test, hi i'm speaking

Regular Cake Body Side.png test, hi i'm speaking

Science Book Body.png test, hi i'm speaking

Spinner Body.png test, hi i'm speaking

Tetrahedron Loser Body0001.png test, hi i'm speaking

Thunder Cloud Body.png test, hi i'm speaking

Weird Speaker Box.png test, hi i'm speaking

Wizard Hat Body.png test, hi i'm speaking



Prop fight 2 0001.jpg

Prop fight 2 gif01.gif


Prop fight 2 0003.jpg

Wizard Hat Body.png Time I practice some magic!

Prop fight 2 gif02.gif

Prop fight 2 0006.jpg

Prop fight 2 0007.jpg

Prop fight 2 0008.jpg

Red Ball Body.png WHO DID THAT!?!?

Prop fight 2 gif03.gif

Wizard Hat Body.png OH! Um, uh...uhm, uh...

Prop fight 2 0010.jpg

Wizard Hat Body.png was Cheese Orb!

Prop fight 2 0011.jpg

Cheese Orb Body.png Wait what?

Prop fight 2 gif04.gif

Red Ball Body.png GRRRRR


Prop fight 2 0012.jpg

Chocolate Milk Body.png Thanks for saving me last contest Chocolate Bar.

Prop fight 2 0013.jpg

Chocolate Bar Body.png No problem, ally!

Prop fight 2 0014.jpg

Chocolate Bar Body.png Speaking of which, we should come up with a name for our alliance.

Chocolate Milk Body.png Hmm.

Prop fight 2 0015.jpg

Chocolate Milk Body.png How about...

Prop fight 2 0016.jpg

Chocolate Milk Body.png The Chocolates.

Prop fight 2 0017.jpg

Chocolate Bar Body.png Astonished gaty.png

Prop fight 2 0018.jpg

Chocolate Bar Body.png That's the best name ever!!!

Prop fight 2 0019.jpg

Chocolate Milk Body.png Really? I thought it was a pretty simple name if any-

Prop fight 2 0020.jpg

Weird Speaker Box.png Sorry to interrupt your chat, but everyone! It's time for Swift Gifts!

Prop fight 2 0021.jpg


Prop fight 2 0022.jpg

Weird Speaker Box.png Where did a bunch of you go?

Dollar Body.png Don't you remember?

Prop fight 2 0023.jpg

Dollar Body.png Cellphone & Blueberry & Thunder Cloud & Cookie & Banana & Spinner & Pentagon & Science Book all died last episode.

Prop fight 2 0024.jpg

Dollar Body.png You gotta recover them, except Blueberry cause she has her own recovery center.

Blueberry Body.png Yeah!

Prop fight 2 0025.jpg

Weird Speaker Box.png On it!

Prop fight 2 gif05.gif


Prop fight 2 gif05.5.gif

Prop fight 2 0026.jpg

Weird Speaker Box.png Hey, where's Regular Cake?

Prop fight 2 0027.jpg

Regular Cake Body Side.png Over here!

Prop fight 2 0028.jpg

Cellphone Body.png When'd you get your own recovery center?

Regular Cake Body Side.png Today! I brought it from Yellow Face Inc. weeks ago!

Prop fight 2 0029.jpg

Weird Speaker Box.png Great! Now we can do Swift Gifts!

Swift Gifts

Prop fight 2 0030.jpg

Prop fight 2 0031.jpg

Weird Speaker Box.png Welcome to the elimination area! If you remember you all lost the previous contest, so one of you will be leaving the show.

Prop fight 2 0032.jpg

Weird Speaker Box.png If you're safe I'll give you a gift! But if not you'll be eliminated and treated with-

Prop fight 2 0033.jpg

Weird Speaker Box.png -BFD

Prop fight 2 0034.jpg

Weird Speaker Box.png We got a total of 4 votes!

Prop fight 2 gif06.gif

Weird Speaker Box.png Oh! Wait a minute.

Prop fight 2 gif06.5.gif

Prop fight 2 0035.jpg

Weird Speaker Box.png I see! The counter wasn't expecting to use that digit so soon, so it didn't work for a sec. So we got a total of 54 votes, all you received at least 4 vote.

Prop fight 2 0036.jpg

Spinner Body.png Aw...

Prop fight 2 0037.jpg

Weird Speaker Box.png Blueberry, Pentagon and Cheese Orb you all received the least votes at 4.

Prop fight 2 0038.jpg

Weird Speaker Box.png Here are your gifts!

Prop fight 2 0039.jpg

Prop fight 2 0040.jpg

Pentagon Body.png YUM! Some regular cake!

Prop fight 2 0041.jpg

Pentagon Body.png *MUNCH MUNCH MUNCH*

Prop fight 2 0042.jpg

Regular Cake Body Side.png Scared l.jpg

Prop fight 2 0043.jpg

Weird Speaker Box.png Thunder Cloud, Pinky, Science Book and Spinner you're all safe at 5 votes!

Prop fight 2 0044.jpg

Prop fight 2 0045.jpg

Spinner Body.png A pencil?

Prop fight 2 0046.jpg

Weird Speaker Box.png Dollar, you escape the bottom 2 by only receiving 6 votes.

Prop fight 2 0047.jpg

Weird Speaker Box.png It's down to Cellphone and Wizard! The results are...

Prop fight 2 0048.jpg

Weird Speaker Box.png ...well surprisingly it's a tie.

Prop fight 2 0049.jpg

Cellphone Body.png What?!

Wizard Hat Body.png WHAT!?!

Prop fight 2 0050.jpg

Weird Speaker Box.png Yeah you both received 8 votes. Hmmm...I wasn't prepared for tie this early in the show, but...

Prop fight 2 0051.jpg

Weird Speaker Box.png ...Hey Spinner! Can I borrow you for a second?

Prop fight 2 0052.jpg

Prop fight 2 0053.jpg

Prop fight 2 0054.jpg

Weird Speaker Box.png Whatever Spinner lands on will be your Tie Breaker Contest.

Prop fight 2 gif07.gif

Prop fight 2 gif08.gif

"Do Magic"

Prop fight 2 0056.jpg

Cellphone Body.png WHAT!?!

Prop fight 2 0057.jpg

Wizard Hat Body.png What??? THAT'S EASY!

Prop fight 2 gif09.gif


Prop fight 2 0058.jpg

Weird Speaker Box.png Congrats Wizard you're safe!

Prop fight 2 0059.jpg

Weird Speaker Box.png Meaning sadly, Cellphone you are the first eliminated from Prop Fight. Bye bye!

Prop fight 2 gif10.gif

Prop fight 2 gif10.5.gif


Prop fight 2 0060.jpg

Thunder Cloud Body.png :(

Thunder Cloud Body.png Seeya, Music Player...


Prop fight 2 00010061.jpg

Prop fight 2 00010062.jpg

Weird Speaker Box.png The second contest is dodgeball! Prop fight 2 00010063.jpg

Prop fight 2 00010064.jpg

Weird Speaker Box.png Nope! Prop fight 2 00010065.jpg

Weird Speaker Box.png No teams, but rules still remain the same. Prop fight 2 00010066.jpg

Weird Speaker Box.png Get hit by a dodgeball or if someone catches the dodgeball you threw, you're out and- Prop fight 2 00010067.jpg

Weird Speaker Box.png -Up for Elimination Prop fight 2 00010068.jpg

Weird Speaker Box.png Game lasts 15 minutes. Prop fight 2 00010069.jpg

Weird Speaker Box.png GO! Prop fight 2 00010070.jpg

Prop fight 2 00010071.jpg

Prop fight 2 00010072.jpg

Prop fight 2 00010073.jpg

Prop fight 2 00010074.jpg

Prop fight 2 00010075.jpg

Prop fight 2 00010076.jpg

Prop fight 2 gif11.gif

Prop fight 2 gif11.5.gif

Prop fight 2 00010077.jpg

Prop fight 2 00010078.jpg

Prop fight 2 00010079.jpg

Prop fight 2 00010080.jpg

Prop fight 2 00010081.jpg

Prop fight 2 00010082.jpg

Prop fight 2 00010083.jpg

Prop fight 2 00010084.jpg

Prop fight 2 00010085.jpg

Prop fight 2 00010086.jpg

Prop fight 2 00010087.jpg

Prop fight 2 00010088.jpg

Prop fight 2 00010089.jpg

Prop fight 2 00010090.jpg

Prop fight 2 00010091.jpg

Prop fight 2 gif12.gif

Prop fight 2 gif13.gif

Prop fight 2 00010092.jpg

Prop fight 2 gif14.gif

Prop fight 2 00010093.jpg

Prop fight 2 00010094.jpg

Prop fight 2 00010095.jpg

Prop fight 2 00010096.jpg

Prop fight 2 00010097.jpg

Prop fight 2 00010098.jpg

Prop fight 2 00010099.jpg

Prop fight 2 00010100.jpg

Prop fight 2 00010101.jpg

Prop fight 2 gif15.gif

Prop fight 2 00010102.jpg

Cookie Body.png Sorry but I don't mind, I just want to stay safe.

Prop fight 2 00010103.jpg

Prop fight 2 00010104.jpg

Prop fight 2 00010105.jpg

Prop fight 2 00010106.jpg

Prop fight 2 00010107.jpg

Prop fight 2 00010108.jpg

Prop fight 2 00010109.jpg

Prop fight 2 00010110.jpg

Prop fight 2 00010111.jpg

Prop fight 2 00010112.jpg

Prop fight 2 00010113.jpg

Prop fight 2 00010114.jpg

Prop fight 2 00010115.jpg

Prop fight 2 00010116.jpg

Blueberry Body.png What!?

Prop fight 2 00010117.jpg

Prop fight 2 00010118.jpg

Prop fight 2 00010119.jpg

Prop fight 2 00010120.jpg


Prop fight 2 00010121.jpg

Cereal Box Body.png Hey! You-


Prop fight 2 00010122.jpg

Cereal Box Body.png You-

Prop fight 2 00010123.jpg

Prop fight 2 00010124.jpg

Cereal Box Body.png *sigh*

Prop fight 2 00010125.jpg

Prop fight 2 00010126.jpg

Cereal Box Body.png

Prop fight 2 00010127.jpg

Prop fight 2 00010128.jpg

Prop fight 2 00010129.jpg

Prop fight 2 00010130.jpg

Prop fight 2 00010131.jpg

Prop fight 2 00010132.jpg

Blueberry Body.png Phew...

Prop fight 2 00010133.jpg

Blueberry Body.png Thank you...

Prop fight 2 00010134.jpg

Prop fight 2 00010135.jpg

Prop fight 2 00010136.jpg

Prop fight 2 00010137.jpg

Prop fight 2 00010138.jpg

Prop fight 2 00010139.jpg

Prop fight 2 00010140.jpg

Prop fight 2 00010141.jpg

Prop fight 2 00010142.jpg

Weird Speaker Box.png Yes, you are out.

Prop fight 2 00010143.jpg

Prop fight 2 00010144.jpg

Prop fight 2 00010145.jpg

Prop fight 2 00010146.jpg

Prop fight 2 00010147.jpg

Prop fight 2 00010148.jpg

Prop fight 2 00010149.jpg

Prop fight 2 00010150.jpg

Prop fight 2 gif16.gif

Prop fight 2 gif16.5.gif

Prop fight 2 gif17.gif

Prop fight 2 00010152.jpg

Prop fight 2 00010153.jpg

Prop fight 2 00010154.jpg

Prop fight 2 00010155.jpg

Prop fight 2 00010156.jpg

Prop fight 2 00010157.jpg

Prop fight 2 00010158.jpg

Prop fight 2 00010159.jpg

Prop fight 2 00010160.jpg

Prop fight 2 00010161.jpg

Prop fight 2 00010162.jpg

Prop fight 2 00010163.jpg

Prop fight 2 00010164.jpg

Prop fight 2 00010165.jpg

Prop fight 2 00010166.jpg

Prop fight 2 00010167.jpg

Prop fight 2 00010168.jpg

Prop fight 2 00010169.jpg\

Prop fight 2 00010170.jpg

Prop fight 2 00010171.jpg

Prop fight 2 00010172.jpg

Prop fight 2 00010173.jpg

Prop fight 2 gif18.gif

Prop fight 2 00010174.jpg

Prop fight 2 00010175.jpg

Prop fight 2 00010176.jpg

Prop fight 2 00010177.jpg

Prop fight 2 00010178.jpg

Prop fight 2 00010179.jpg

Prop fight 2 gif19.gif

Prop fight 2 gif20.gif


Prop fight 2 00010181.jpg

Prop fight 2 00010182.jpg

Weird Speaker Box.png Contest over!

Prop fight 2 00010183.jpg

Weird Speaker Box.png You all did great!

Prop fight 2 00010184.jpg

Weird Speaker Box.png Apart from none of you trying to catch a dodgeball. Lame.

Prop fight 2 00010185.jpg

Weird Speaker Box.png But in the end Thunder Cloud, Cereal Box, Pinky, Cheese Orb, Regular Cake, Chocolate Bar, Chocolate Milk, and Tetrahedron loser all got out, so they up for elimination! Vote to eliminate one of them using the poll below the page! Voting Period ends when The Wiki Camp 2 Challenge 10 results are revealed!


Prop fight 2 00010186.jpg

Prop fight 2 00010187.jpg

Cookie Body.png Sooooo...are they gonna help us out, or what?


Vote in the poll below for who you want to be eliminated.

Voting ends when The Wiki Camp 2 Challenge 10 results are revealed.

Prop-fight 2-votescreen.jpg