Vessel/Logs 3

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im starting to get REALLY worried about ian. :(

dont get me wrong. im REALLY happy hes trying to find a way out for us!! its just that i dont think this "not taking breaks thing" is really great for his mind and stuff. Weve always been together and its not like our imput is null and void whenever the server vessel is doing anything in the moment but he cant just keep shutting us out like this!!

weve all gone through what hes had to do. we got our time to reflect on all the messed up stuff we did in our lives!! but now everybody agrees that hes doing is reckless!! even BARNUM knows that something needs to change! when the knucklehead (no offense sorry XD) knows when stuff is up things are SERIOUSLY wrong.

its not about her anymore. this whole thing goes against her plan! WE DIDNT EVEN WANT THAT PLAN TO HAPPEN IN THE FIRST PLACE!! so why?? why is he doing this??