From The Wiki Camp 2
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[THE ZEITGEIST] tends to change.

Zeitgeist 2.png
it's me [THE ZEITGEIST]!!!
First appearanceChallenge 1
Created bybobthetacocat#9593

before yuo go !!!!

please listen to this song for optimal auditory visual expeorence while yo ulook at [THE ZEITGEIST] character this is his (my) official thee song

at the home game. very bnice


[THE ZEITGEIST] is a fun guy

he was very sad whenwt he wiki camp 1 ended. so when he heard wiki camp 2 was happenign he was very excited!!! so he had to come. mayabe even try and compete.....

he enjoys the fieldn.. and the sport of football


frind of balls. other than that no team yet. i hope my team has a quarter back


stil got the nfl theme everywhere i go woohoo there are like 200000 nfl themes so you wouldn't realize usually but its true

