Kingdom of Far Far Away

The Kingdom of Far, Far Away (often abbreviated to just Far, Far Away), was a polity that existed within an unknown location in Europe during 1215 - 1767, usually headed by the House of Pendragon. Although It's technology resembled that of the Middle Ages, historical records and findings dictate that they used many alternative substitutes for modern inventions and culture through the use of magic and other methods. As of modern times, it is now a shell of what it used to be, with it now being warped beyond comprehension and being to many hostile beasts. HistoryThe Iconic FoundingOn October 12th of 1215, An alternative universe with a history identical to our own was suddenly thrown into an extremely devastating civil war, wiping out most of Europe. The exact cause of this calamity was unknown, but It could've been instigated with the discovery of dragons and magic many months prior in several European nations. Out of the many kingdoms that rose in order to fill the power vacuum left by the destruction of these empires, Far, Far Away came to be one of the first documented. During it's first few years of existence, it was originally a shanty settlement that was plagued by many supernatural and fantastical threats, which humanity at the time was unprepared to deal with. The most particular of these threats were dragons, which often raided and pillaged the camps of the early settlement, killing many of its people each time. This came to an abrupt end when two close friends who happened lowly knights of the settlement, Drayton Pendragon and Charlemagne Farquaad, managed to permanently scare of the supernatural threats through a series of spectacular events. The people rejoiced at the prospect of finally being freed, and for his service, Drayton Pendragon was crowned the first King of Far, Far Away. The settlement soon grew to become a prosperous Kingdom, partly due to it being now undisturbed by outside threats and the newly developed cocky culture of its citizens, parading their story of it's first king defeating many dragons for generations. Era of DiplomacyFor the many years since its founding, the kingdom of Far, Far Away away was relatively hostile to most fairy-tale creatures that presided within it, partly due to the attacks they faced in their infancy. Although not quite on the level of bigotry found within its neighboring kingdoms such as Duloc, the only supernatural beings that could live comfortably within the state were those who could com-modify their own magic for the benefit of the human populace. However, some strides in coexistence were achieved during this period before the Era of Diplomacy, when Princess Lillian managed to help a frog by the name of Harold achieve a human form and then married him, thus making him kind of Far, Far Away. The rather sour and awkward tensions between both races living in the kingdom would soon be changed forever during the fabled year of 1732, after the next in line to the title of Queen, Princess Fiona was suddenly inflicted with a horrible curse in her youth. This spell would cause her to turn into a ferocious ogre during the night, and only revert to her human form during the day. Although her parents and the current monarchs of the kingdom, King Harold and Queen Lillian, tried their best to hide their daughter's condition from the rest of the kingdom, they eventually resorted to drastic measures. They enlisted the aid of Far, Far Away's top potion brewer and provider of Happily Ever Afters, the Fairy Godmother to lock their daughter within an abandoned tower guarded by a fearsome dragon until she came of age. Once she did, the King and Queen promised the Godmother that her son, Prince Charming, could rescue her from the tower himself and then take her hand in marriage. Despite this plan by the Godmother, King, and Queen, many knights across this period of time decided to embark on the journey to rescue the princess themselves, all failing in their mission. Eventually, after tiring of waiting, and fearing for the well-being of their daughter, the King and Queen sought drastic measures to save their daughter, including various wish-related ailments. Just as they were going to forfeit their royal positions to a sleazy wishmaster by the name of Rumpelstiltskin, they had received news that their daughter was, in-fact, finally rescued. After many years of waiting, the kingdom was in high spirits after hearing the news of the return of the princess. What they were not expect to see was that her rescuer and newly wedded husband was an ogre by the name of Shrek, leading the kingdom, confused, conflicted, and disgusted. Those who were angered by this revelation most of all was that of the now fully grown Prince Charming and the Fairy Godmother, who concocted a scheme to rid Fiona of her curse and her new husband once and for all. This scheme not only led to the Fairy Godmother's undoing, but also led to Shrek and Fiona's curse being accepted by both her parents and the kingdom at large. The Fairy Godmother's defeat marked the point in the kingdom's history where fairy-tale creatures and human coexistence became much more popular and accepted. Reign of OrgesShrek and his colorful cast of friends became almost deified figures in the eyes of the kingdom, many modern scholars likening their popularity to that of the modern day British Royal Family. Shrek in particular was frequently seen at many events throughout the years of the kingdom alongside Princess Fiona, including the annual Far Far Away Idol. Insurrection of 1755The date and exact time in which Charming's insurrection took place has been lost to time. However, we have been able to pinpoint the date, which seemed to confirm earlier theories attempting to prove that it occurred after the first Far Far Away Idol with Princess Fiona. The timeline of events seemed to have begun with the passing of King Harold, leaving his son-in-law, Shrek, to be crowned King of Far Far Away. Upset with his newfound status, he ventured in search of an heir to the throne, eventually finding a young Arthur Pendragon. Elsewhere, a group of fairy-tale villains and hostile creatures led by Prince Charming stormed Far Far Away, and eventually took control of it, capturing Fiona and the other princesses within the Kingdom. When Shrek, along with Arthur returned to the kingdom, they too were taken prisoner. Eventually, the combined forces of Shrek and his allies, Fiona and the other fairy-tale princesses, and Arthur demoralizing Charming's army though appealing to their humanity helped topple the insurrection and saved the kingdom once more. Once Shrek returned to power, he promptly resigned from his role as King, and left the duties to Arthur to rule as king. Wrath of The WishmasterRumpelstiltskin, furious that his chance at having the throne of Far Far Away was indirectly taken from him by Shrek, decided to appeal to the ogre's nostalgia for his old ogre life, by allowing him to the timeline for a day. This created a world where Shrek never rescued Fiona, and thus Rumpelstiltskin succeeded in becoming the king of Far Far Away, turning the land into a dystopia where ogres are prosecuted, and Fiona and Shrek's friends are either scarred , cold, and/or battle-hardened warriors. Due to this timeline being altered shortly after it's creation, it's wider history is unknown. Multi-versal historians however assured us that this timeline, along with Rumpelstiltskin, were erased from existence through Shrek fulfilling the contract that allowed for it's existence to be unwritten. A new universe, indentical to the once that came before Rumpelstiltskin's altering of events, took the place of the old world. The Fall of Far Far AwayFar Far Away was later perused and attacked by the forces of a high-dimensional being. This being's identity has been lost to time, but it seems that it was capable of rational thought, and served as a bringer of order to the wider multiverse. It's reasons for attacking Far Far Away have been debated, but the common theory among most is that it attacked Far Far Away due to Shrek's altering of it's history through the power of Rumpelstiltskin's wish-magic, and then destroying said alternate timeline. CultureBehavioral patternsScholars generally describe the Kingdom as being extremely technologically advanced for its time. Many instances of technology and cultural traditions that can be found in the modern era were also present within the time-period, including the culture of Hollywood films and modern film-making, along with various businesses that are eerily identical to those of modern conglomerates, such as Burger King and H&M. Despite this, modern multi-versal historians have clarified that these similarities are purely coincidental, and that many of the technology present within this Kingdom was lost decades prior to them being reinvented once again. Within the universe that Far, Far Away originates from, it appears that several fairy-tale characters and creatures may have actually had historical evidence for their existence specifically within the kingdom. Many princesses from folklore, such as Sleeping Beauty, Snow White, and Belle were all found to have presided in the kingdom, regularly acting as highly-esteemed celebrities. Traditional fairies, such as fairy-godmothers, also may have operated in a similar role, using their magic as a means of commodity for Far, Far Away's citizens. |