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COLOSSES 2022 was a Super Smash Bros. Ultimate supermajor that took place on July 30, 2022 in Lyon, France. This tournament was notable for being the first Ultimate supermajor that starlightDP lost.

Famous robot duo Daft and Punk were the commentators for each set.


(1,024 entrants)

Place Name Character Earnings
1st techtactoe SSBUStock-Enderman.png
2nd starlightDP SSBUStock Sheik.png
3rd CHUBSWORLD_ SSBUStock Jigglypuff.png
4th kwikwidetr4x SSBUStock KingDedede.png
5th Tobalite93x SSBUStock BowserJr.png
5th ElectrumJoe SSBUStock GaW.png
7th FakeKidsReviewToys SSBUStock Marth.png
7th Applesaucer SSBUStock Villager.png
9th animationproductions610 SSBUStock PiranhaPlant.png
9th stepmaniafan123 SSBUStock LittleMac.png
9th Grapefruitsuperspecial SSBUStock Zelda.png
9th PlasticChewer SSBUStock Lucina.png
13th Spadinner SSBUStock Ganondorf.png
13th NotATuna SSBUStock Hero.png
13th goombahater21 SSBUStock RoyKoopa.png
13th TimeToTakeA SSBUStock-Mario.png
17th heroSurferLions SSBUStock Lucario.png
17th xX_Baikalissimo_Xx SSBUStock Olimar.png
17th futurotron00 SSBUStock MetaKnight.png
17th Legomenon SSBUStock Pichu.png
17th creeturemeature SSBUStock WiiFitTrainer.png
17th Preambulator SSBUStock Bayonetta.png
17th AvantYard SSBUStock MiiGunner.png
17th tru3hat3 SSBUStock DiddyKong.png
25th supercalifragilisticexpialidocious SSBUStock Steve.png
25th SPeeDCOReZ SSBUStock YoungLink.png
25th mdrqnx SSBUStock ROB.png
25th Bravely SSBUStock PyraMythra.png
25th DanganAwesome SSBUStock_InklingPink.png
25th nyarpaNEEMOY SSBUStock Terry.png
25th Weed_Gal SSBUStock VillagerPink.png
25th JonSmashbrothersalready SSBUStock Byleth.png
33rd Blaziken SSBUStock Ken.png
33rd kyloren SSBUStock Byleth.png
33rd thetruefake SSBUStock GaW.png
33rd anemonoguchi SSBUStock_Inkling.png
33rd aaandsteveN SSBUStock Ness.png
33rd genowanter SSBUStock MiiGunner.png
33rd whotouchamyspaghet SSBUStock MiiGunner.png
33rd BlastixRiotz SSBUStock CaptainFalcon.png
33rd Okincheez SSBUStock Fox.png
42nd okinapkin SSBUStock Falco.png
33rd x_iiQhone SSBUStock ZSS.png
33rd GregKMartin SSBUStock Luigi.png
33rd 121312141213121 SSBUStock Rosalina.png
33rd RSlash SSBUStock Ike.png
33rd backslashbacklash SSBUStock Shulk.png
33rd Ham05 SSBUStock-Mario.png
49th CanyonGrande SSBUStock Pit.png
49th Michael Bloomberg SSBUStock YoungLink.png
49th HelpImTrappedInNameFactory SSBUStock DrMario.png
49th burt SSBUStock PokemonTrainer.png
49th SaltShaper SSBUStock KingDedede.png
49th elonrocketshib SSBUStock DuckHunt.png
49th quirkyuiop SSBUStock ROB.png
49th exitatmosphere SSBUStock Sonic.png
49th The Oker SSBUStock Joker.png
49th ch33zk33p3r SSBUStock Corrin.png
49th poooooooooooo SSBUStock Bowser.png
49th beesechurger SSBUStock Kirby.png
49th James Baker SSBUStock KingDedede.png
49th RedLinkz SSBUStock ToonLinkRed.png
49th RealGaryNuman SSBUStock Luigi.png
49th OverlordCosmosTheDevastator SSBUStock Pichu.png
65th SwevieTonder SSBUStock Daisy.png
65th Serge SSBUStock Lucario.png
65th Darkfall SSBUStock Link.png
65th WubsChorld SSBUStock Kirby.png
65th Mr. Snrub SSBUStock Wario.png
65th Titanium Peppers SSBUStock Lucario.png
65th pipis ---> SSBUStock KirbyBlue.png
65th BirdSpecialist SSBUStock Falco.png
65th Pikmin4GCN SSBUStock Olimar.png
65th The Grinch SSBUStock Ken.png
65th SSB_Spheal SSBUStock Sheik.png
65th david SSBUStock-Mario.png
65th StonerChick420 SSBUStock PiranhaPlant.png
65th Proud To Be A Gamer SSBUStock KingKRool.png
65th Glubby SSBUStock PacMan.png
65th How SSBUStock_DaftPunk.png
65th Omegarad SSBUStock Joker.png
65th Owen Noeyes SSBUStock Wolf.png
65th CowCowCow SSBUStock PokemonTrainer.png
65th baabu SSBUStock Jigglypuff.png
65th brokebot SSBUStock ROB.png
65th Macross8299 SSBUStock Yoshi.png
65th MeineWelt SSBUStock Sephiroth.png
65th Nyumi18 SSBUStock Pikachu.png
65th 3DBLAST SSBUStock Sonic.png
65th bondburgrd SSBUStock Snake.png
65th Pyromyd SSBUStock PyraMythra.png
65th KingAgu SSBUStock KingDedede.png
65th Nazareth_Waters SSBUStock Simon.png
65th JEFF!! SSBUStock Peach.png
65th MariObama SSBUStock-Mario.png
65th Joe Biden SSBUStock Villager.png
97th IWillNeverGet97thPlace SSBUStock Sonic.png
97th Updog SSBUStock Isabelle.png
97th Smokie Mcpot SSBUStock Olimar.png
97th ampzer SSBUStock Cloud.png
97th Cubeoholic SSBUStock Sonic.png
97th TheDeviousSeal32 SSBUStock Incineroar.png
97th WiiThemeWMV SSBUStock Yoshi.png
97th BabaStreisand SSBUStock KingKRool.png
97th obamna SSBUStock MiiBrawler.png
97th ToadBruno SSBUStock Peach.png
97th MetalHead64 SSBUStock DK.png
97th hungrycaterpillar SSBUStock Wario.png
97th KillerToy SSBUStock ROB.png
97th wordpeace SSBUStock Robin.png
97th 'bovipa SSBUStock LittleMac.png
97th orisitthebagel SSBUStock Luigi.png
97th Spleef Bongtoker SSBUStock Wolf.png
97th froot SSBUStock PacMan.png
97th theExplora SSBUStock Sora.png
97th missingyes SSBUStock GaW.png
97th greenlorey SSBUStock Robin.png
97th darksetterOG SSBUStock Pichu.png
97th day$tabber SSBUStock Chrom.png
97th UAUA SSBUStock DarkPit.png
97th returnasenda SSBUStock Bowser.png
97th threezacrowd SSBUStock DuckHunt.png
97th inVIZIBL SSBUStock Sheik.png
97th w89efjeasmkf2m3 SSBUStock Villager.png
97th ameryladders SSBUStock DK.png
97th reVIIxion SSBUStock Sephiroth.png
97th okaymon SSBUStock PokemonTrainer.png
97th pkmntrainer SSBUStock Olimar.png
DQ nerpaseymour SSBUStock-Enderman.png -$10,000
