Chris Pratt/coverage

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<< Return to Chris Pratt

Christopher Michael Pratt is currently ██ years old.

(Haha get it, "cover age")

Chris Pratt as Star-Lord



Chris Pratt
You are part man and part woman. Like there's an inner part that's woman. It's a compliment.[1]

The Lego Movie

Chris Pratt
Everything is awesome!

The Lego Movie 2: The Second Part

Chris Pratt
Everything is not awesome!
Chris Pratt
So true.

Marvel Cinematic Universe

Guardians of the Galaxy

Chris Pratt
Dance-off, bro!

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2

Chris Pratt

Avengers: Infinity War

Chris Pratt
Tch... What is this, some kind of Infinity War (2018)?
Chris Pratt
...oh, man.
Chris Pratt 0

Avengers: Endgame

Chris Pratt 0

What If...?

Thor: Love and Thunder

The Guardians of the Galaxy Holiday Special

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3

Chris Pratt
Open the fucking door.[2]

The Super Mario Bros. Movie

Chris Pratt
Sigh....Let's a go...I guess....


Chris Pratt
I hate Mondays... But I love lasagna.

The Wiki Camp Cinematic Universe

The Wiki Camp 2

Chris Pratt

he's been in tons of movies.

TV shows

Among Us

Chris Pratt
Guys, I'm pretty sure that dude errrr just vented in front of me.

Video Games

Old School RuneScape

Looks like I better Run Escape outta here!

fortnite i think

Epic Win.gif he won da game

Five Nights at Freddy's

Chris Pratt
Oh boy, those animatronics sure are alive.

Staring contest

Chris Pratt

Super Mario Bros.

Chris Pratt
beep boop beep yup that's right that's me


DiaChris Pratt.png


Use W/S to control the left paddle, and use I/K to control the right paddle.



{"name":"ball","init":{"x":310,"y":170,"vx":0.2,"vy":0.1},"streams":[{"type":"body:mousemove,mouseover,mouseout,body:wheel","expr":"{x:if(ball.x < -20 || ball.x > width,310,ball.x+(ball.vx*,y:ball.y+(ball.vy*,vx:if((ball.x<width-60 && ball.x+(ball.vx*>width-60 && ball.y+(ball.vy*<paddle2.y+100 && ball.y+(ball.vy*>paddle2.y) || (ball.x>40 && ball.x+(ball.vx*<40 && ball.y+(ball.vy*<paddle1.y+100 && ball.y+(ball.vy*>paddle1.y),ball.vx*-1,ball.vx),vy:if((ball.y<height-20 && ball.y+(ball.vy*>height-20) || (ball.y>0 && ball.y+(ball.vy*<0),ball.vy*-1,ball.vy)}"}]},

{"name":"paddle1","init":{"y":100,"vy":0},"streams":[ {"type":"body:keydown[event.code=='KeyW']","expr":"{y:paddle1.y,vy:-.1}"}, {"type":"body:keyup[event.code=='KeyW']","expr":"{y:paddle1.y,vy:if(paddle1.vy<0,0,paddle1.vy)}"}, {"type":"body:keydown[event.code=='KeyS']","expr":"{y:paddle1.y,vy:.1}"}, {"type":"body:keyup[event.code=='KeyS']","expr":"{y:paddle1.y,vy:if(paddle1.vy>0,0,paddle1.vy)}"}, {"type":"body:mousemove,mouseover,mouseout,body:wheel","expr":"{y:clamp(paddle1.y+(paddle1.vy*,0,height-100),vy:paddle1.vy}"}]},

{"name":"paddle2","init":{"y":200,"vy":0},"streams":[ {"type":"body:keydown[event.code=='KeyI']","expr":"{y:paddle2.y,vy:-.1}"}, {"type":"body:keyup[event.code=='KeyI']","expr":"{y:paddle2.y,vy:if(paddle2.vy<0,0,paddle2.vy)}"}, {"type":"body:keydown[event.code=='KeyK']","expr":"{y:paddle2.y,vy:.1}"}, {"type":"body:keyup[event.code=='KeyK']","expr":"{y:paddle2.y,vy:if(paddle2.vy>0,0,paddle2.vy)}"}, {"type":"body:mousemove,mouseover,mouseout,body:wheel","expr":"{y:clamp(paddle2.y+(paddle2.vy*,0,height-100),vy:paddle2.vy}"}]}], "marks":[{






Object Shows

Battle for Joke Pending

Episode One

Chris Pratt made his debut, after which Hostess declared "Chris Pratt? I thought I asked for a Crisp Rat!" Which no one laughed at. Chris joined the purple team and lost the first challenge, getting put up for elimination.


  1. This is a reference to the 2023 visual novel Girl Host: Unidentifiable Breeze
  2. Is this the first f-bomb in the MCU?