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The desirable bongoberries are the soulful fruit of the mid-tropics. They grow in bunches, and come winter, they playfully fall off their tall bushes. When they hit the ground, it is known as a symphony. The symphony of the bongoberries is one of the 92 Wonders of the Natural World.

Nutritional value

Bongoberries may make a lot of noise, but they are woefully lacking in nutritional vigor. It takes 20 pounds of bongoberries to sustain a mouse for 1 minute.


The bongoberry is most iconic for its solo. The bush of the bongoberries naturally produces "stones" as waste. These stones are stored in a specialized pouch, and occasionally the pouch releases the stones. The stones fall onto ripe bongoberries, producing the percussion. The purpose of this is likely to select for bongoberries with tough heads, as those will simply bounce off the stones. Weak heads allow the stones to pass through, killing the berry.