
From The Wiki Camp 2
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This page describes contracts and the contract system, not to be confused with The Wiki Camp 2's achievement system.
The Contract Thingamabob, the official name for the device used to sign up for contracts.

A contract (a work contract, a job, etc.) is an item and part of the contract system introduced into The Wiki Camp 2 during Challenge 4.

Contestants can apply to work on contracts, which involves completing a set of tasks in a given amount of time. Completing contracts results in item rewards and more Contract Stars, which can be used to apply for more contracts.

A contract can be accepted by using a Contract Thingamabob, a device given to a team on creation, and all teams created before Challenge 4 were retroactively given one at its introduction. Contestants can use the Contract Thingamabob to sign up for contracts, check their progress on a contract, and contact Miss Pauling to gain rewards on completion.

Contract system


A contract consists of one primary objective and 2 secondary objectives. These objectives can be several things, including but not limited to:

  • Creating an amount of pages
  • Adding categories to an amount of pages
  • Correctly marking articles or files for deletion
  • Creating specific types of pages (e.g. an Explain page)
  • Successfully completing a Classic Mode route
  • Reformatting pages to have the same visual content with fewer bytes

In some cases, a rarer contract can involve a main objective that consists of completing an amount of small objectives, where completing one thing nets a variable amount of points (e.g. adding a category adds 1 Point, while adding a proper redirect adds 3 Points, etc.; with the goal to gain 50 points).

To unlock a contract, you must submit a Contract Star. All competitors start with 3 Contract Stars, and Contract Stars can be gained by completing contracts. While contracts usually cost a single Contract Star, rarer and more intensive contracts may cost additional Contract Stars.

All contracts come with a time limit. This time limit counts down in real world time, and not in-game time, so it is advisable to choose contracts knowing that you will be in a position to do them.


A music disc containing a track from Hexstallia, one of the potential items available in an Item Crate.

Upon submitting a contract, one or more rewards will be sent to your inventory.

Reward In-game appearance Description
Contract Star
Contract Stars are a currency given on completing a primary objective, completing both secondary objectives, or as a random reward for completing any one objective. Contract Stars are used to unlock contracts.
Vouchers are ticket-like items that can be used at Ravio's shop in exchange for items.
Item Crate
Completion of any single objective guarantees an item crate. Potential rewards include tokens, Challenge Crystal Fragments, power-ups, etc.; rarer visual flairs that can be equipped on your user profile, such as custom flairs, aesthetic templates, and userboxes; and other various things such as items, artifacts, substances, trinkets, gadgets, tools, goods, gear, and so on. Item crates have a rare chance of including a Contract Star.


  • Objectives are weighted so that easier objectives guarantee more common items, while harder objectives guarantee rarer items and have a higher potential to reward Contract Stars than easier objectives.
    • Rarer contracts will on average have harder objectives, meaning rarer items.
  • Objectives are also weighted by volume (e.g. adding categories to 10 pages will count as less than adding categories to 30 pages). Keep an eye out for objectives that involve completing a lot of easy things, as it will be similar in reward to completing a few of a more complicated thing.
  • Completing the Primary Objective in the allotted time span will always guarantee one Contract Star, enough to apply for another common contract. For this reason, it is recommended to complete the primary objective over the secondary objectives, as failure to complete the primary objective will not guarantee you a Contract Star.
    • It is, however, possible to gain Contract Stars either via secondary objectives, buying it with vouchers, or through trading with another competitor. Completing both secondary objectives will also guarantee you a Contract Star.
  • If running low on Contract Stars, it is advisable to take contracts with easier objectives to potentially gain extra Contract Stars, creating a bigger safety net if a contract is unable to be completed. While these will give less rewards, it is better to have a safety net of Contract Stars than a bunch of random items and no Contract Stars.
  • Since rarer contracts can (and usually do) cost additional Contract Stars, completion of rarer contracts have a higher chance of rewarding Contract Stars for completing secondary objectives than common contracts. For this reason, an ideal contract is a rare contract with easy secondary objectives.
    • If you get to a point where you have time left in a rarer contract but don't think you can complete the primary objective, it is still worth it to attempt to complete the secondary objectives, if only for the potential to cover the Contract Star deficit.
      • Even if any single secondary rewards do not reward a Contract Star, completing both secondary objectives will guarantee one Contract Star, enough to at least sign up for another common contract.

Miss Pauling dialogue

All contracts on opening and win/loss conditions choose randomly selected quotes from Miss Pauling to display on screen. It will select from either character-specific dialogue or team-specific dialogue.

The following is a randomly-selected example of potential dialog directed towards a member of Host.

[To Playlist]

Hey Playlist, it's Pauling. I know you don't talk much, but you're good with writing.

[Objective Completed]

Thanks, guys. I was sure that one or three or six of you would've been able to do the job.

For reference, all potential Host-related dialogue is listed below. For all potential dialog options, see Miss Pauling responses.

  • "Host, Pauling. ...well, I hope this is sending to one of your groups, at least. Anyway, I've got a job for you."
  • "Host, Pauling. Finish your dailies and then check this one out."
  • [placeholder]
  • "Host, Pauling here. If you could take a break from the tunes, I've got a job for you."
  • "Hey Host, it's Pauling. Can you choose a representative of your club to take this on?"

Character specific

  • "Hey, uh... Um. Hi! This is Pauling. Got something for you."
  • "...did I get the wrong guy? ...oh, hotmic, uh. This is Miss P. from... uh, R&D. Contact me back. Thanks."
  • "Diary, Pauling. You'll want to write this one down."
  • "Hey Diary, it's Pauling. I saw a rerun of one of your COLOSSES fights in my file record, and it seems like you really handed it to them. Tangentially related, I need you to get this done fast."
  • "Diffuser, Pauling. Give this listing a look."
  • "Hey Diffuser, Pauling here. I think you'll be able to use your previous workplace experience with this one."
  • "Dora, Pauling. Your planning skills may come in handy."
  • "Hey Dora, it's Pauling. I don't want to jump the gun and say that you should consider deploying your secret weapon for this one, but... well, you know. Up to you."
  • "Hey, Emoticon. You're gonna want to check this."
  • "Emoticon, this is Pauling. I know you've already read this contract. You wrote on it. You're not allowed to do that. Luckily, this one was already for you."
  • "Hey, LiSt. You should view this one."
  • "LiSt, Pauling. So I hear you're into making music, right? Okay, allotted smalltalk period over. I have a job for you."
  • "Nurse Cap, Pauling here. Try operate on this one."
  • "Hey Nurse Cap, Pauling. You know who doesn't want you to take this job? Hippocrates. Stick it to 'em."
  • "Open Sesame, Pauling. Get your eyes on this one."
  • "Open Sesame, it's Pauling. You know, some of your records in our files show that you have an identical twin lookin' kinda guy. Are they open to recruitment? Just figured I'd ask. Anyway, job."
  • "Hey Playlist, Pauling here. Can you get your weird laughing guy on the job?"
  • "Hey Playlist, it's Pauling. I know you don't talk much, but you're good with writing."
  • "Playlist, Pauling. How many babies does it take to screw in a light bulb? Or do a job. That too."
  • "Playlist, it's Pauling. [muffled sounds] Do you understand that? Can I speak egg?" [unused]
  • "Smobo, it's Pauling. Give this one a read."
  • "'Extra, extra, read all about it!' That was my, uh, paperboy impression. How did I do? Could you, uh, rate it from 1 to 100?"
  • "U.U.F.O., Pauling. Could you send a resident of yours on this?"
  • "Hey U.U.F.O., it's Pauling. know, I've never known if you can understand what I'm saying. You seem to get the job done, so... yeah, I guess so. Not the weirdest thing I've ever seen, honestly."
  • "[THE ZEITGEIST], Pauling. Can you write this one for me?"
  • "Hey, [THE ZEITGEIST], it's Pauling! Do you think you could help me with a little something? Thanks! Give me a call when you're done."
  • "[THE ZEITGEIST], this is Pauling. I think you'll find that your information-sorting skills will be particularly useful for this one."
  • "Hey [THE ZEITGEIST], Pauling here. If you can read this, could you send me a message about if you can do this one? Call me back."
  • "[THE ZEITGEIST], it's Pauling. You're one of the fastest typists I have contact with, so if you can write this down, it'd be handy. Thanks."


  • "Appreciate it. As you were with your video games."
  • [placeholder]
  • "Contract complete. If U.U.F.O. is around it can come over and pick your rewards up."
    • "Contract complete. If you're able you can come over and pick your rewards up." [if is given to U.U.F.O.]
  • "Thanks, guys. I was sure that one or three or six of you would've been able to do the job."
  • "Thanks, uh... yeah. Thanks. I'm sending something to your team. I'm sure they can figure out who to give it to."
  • "Appreciate it, Diary. Add this to your collection. Or your next yard sale. I don't judge, I just give out what I'm told."
  • "Here, Diffuser, you've earned it. Straight from our warehouses."
  • "Contract complete. Thanks, Dora. Here's something nice for you."
  • "Thanks, Emoticon. Here's your reward - I'm sure you can figure out how to interact with it."
  • "Appreciate it, LiSt. Check this one out for size."
  • "Congratulations, Nurse Cap, you've shown them what for."
  • "I'll give you this much, Open Sesame - you get things done."
  • "Thanks for the help, Playlist. Try this at the next gig you get."
  • "Nice job, Smobo. The check's in the mail."
  • "Good work, U.U.F.O. - here's something for the inventory."
  • "Contract fulfilled. Nice work, [THE ZEITGEIST]."
  • "You did it [THE ZEITGEIST]! Thanks buddy."
  • "Fulfilled to the letter, [THE ZEITGEIST]. Thanks again."
  • "Thanks [THE ZEITGEIST]. Administrator was really on me about this one."
  • "Nicely done, [THE ZEITGEIST]. I'll be in touch."


  • "Yeah, I can't be surprised. Your team seems like a mess."
  • "Yikes. I should've figured by how you ran your troupe."
  • "I... can't see if you did anything or not. If you tried, it didn't get to me. So... I guess you failed. Sorry."
  • "That's alright, I just figured you would've been a bit better at working with hardware."
  • "Okay, fair. Maybe another 23 revisions will make it right."

Medal userboxes

A screenshot of medal userboxes in order of magnitude.
An example of the medal userbox incrementing past 100.

Medals and medal userboxes are awarded on completing (finishing all 3 objectives) a certain amount of contracts.

Related achievements are reached in tandem with medal rewards.

Medal Classification Emblem Achievement Name Qualification
MedalOkinum.png Okinum A box of crayons I'm a baby editor! Complete 1 contract.
MedalBronze.png Bronze A pencil Filling in the blanks Complete 10 contracts.
MedalSilver.png Silver A lined piece of paper Acclaimed Typist Complete 50 contracts.
MedalGold.png Gold A scroll and quill Writing with style Complete 100 contracts.

After 100 contracts completed, the userbox will reach its final state, where it will instead increment the number in the userbox.


Also see