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Chatlogs are a storytelling medium depicting a conversation in text format. These conversations can be written versions of spoken conversations, or depictions of messages sent via the internet.

This page documents chatlogs and related concepts, such as dialogue boxes.

IRC Chat

The IRC Chat template replicates the format of IRC messages. Note that the IRC Chat template requires importing CSS using <templatestyles src="IRC.css"/>.

[14:05:25]  SYSTEM  |  Initializing...
[14:05:27]  SYSTEM  |  Now chatting in #test on Example IRC chat.
[14:05:36]  TheDocumentarian16  |  Welcome! Here's an example of an IRC chat conversation.
[14:05:45]  yourlocaltalker  |  User has joined the chat.
[14:05:49]  TheDocumentarian16  |  This template can be used to replicate message between two people or groups over IRC.
[14:05:53]  yourlocaltalker  |  yeah yeah
[14:06:06]  yourlocaltalker  |  you can see that this irc chat has what you would expect from a irc chat
[14:06:13]  yourlocaltalker  |  timestamp, username, and message
[14:06:20]  yourlocaltalker  |  it is about what you would expect from a regular irc chat
[14:06:35]  yourlocaltalker  |  here's an image of an irc called hexchat that i found on google, for looks comparison
[14:06:42]  yourlocaltalker  |  pretty good
[14:07:15]  TheDocumentarian16  |  Something to consider when using this template is to keep time consistent.
[14:07:26]  TheDocumentarian16  |  In most situations, you would want to keep the flow of time going.
[14:07:34]  TheDocumentarian16  |  Of course, user discretion is advised, and you can break this if you want!
[14:07:42]  TheDocumentarian16  |  For example, on The Wiki Camp 2 Global Hotspot, Image always shows up as typing at [00:00:00].
[14:07:50]  TheDocumentarian16  |  A tiny bit of thought goes a long way.
[14:08:28]  yourlocaltalker  |  mhm mhm
[14:08:38]  yourlocaltalker  |  anyway uh i think we have to move over to pesterchum for a bit
[14:08:46]  yourlocaltalker  |  see you there
[14:09:00]  TheDocumentarian16  |  Of course! Just give me a bit.
[14:09:15]  yourlocaltalker  |  take your time
[14:09:20]  SYSTEM  |  yourlocaltalker has left the chat.


The Pesterlog template is a visual and functional clone of Pesterlogs from Homestuck. The Pesterlog handle replicates being non-displayed by default, as opposed to the IRC Chat format which is non-collapsible by default.

  Toggle Pesterlog  

-- theoryArticulator [TA] began pestering commonGabber [CG] at 16:13 --

TA: Here is an example use of the Pesterlog template.
CG: you can see that, if used ideally, the format looks very similar to pesterchum handles
CG: replicating the format using template:color to add the color details in makes it look fairly convincing
CG: or, well, convincing enough
CG: it's not perfect but it will do
[SYSTEM WARNING]: Note that, without any use of color, this is what it looks like by default.
CG: it does require a lot of template:color copying and pasting so the color shows up right
CG: and because it was crafted to be a template, and not a table like the IRC chats, you need to put <br> after each message TA: Yes, or else the messages will show up on the same line.
CG: so it does requires a bit of processing to deal with, though, but most things do
TA: Note that using Pesterlogs does imply a certain thing - that being you're using Pesterchum from Homestuck.
TA: For example, Damn Dang/Pesterchum uses that as a positive, describing Pesterchum as a hunk of junk that nobody bothers to moderate anymore, as opposed to IRC chats.
TA: So if you're going to use Pesterlogs, you might want to keep its roots in mind.
CG: mhm
CG: though if you're attempting to write homestuck characters, a pesterlog would be an ideal method of communication
AG: Hi I'm Vriska
CG: ok thats it we're moving to records

Ultimate Heist Crew Records

The Ultimate Heist Crew uses a records system, where individuals can create a page to discuss particular happenings. The list of canonical Ultimate Heist Crew records can be seen at The Ultimate Heist Crew#Records-0.

placehodler lala

Dialogue Boxes

placehoder laler

Talk-page styled chatlogs

These imitate the style of wiki signatures used on a talk page, but notably adding profile pictures. You can see them used on Copper Chatlogs and Team 17/chatlogs.