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Many pages have been created about locations and places on the wiki. Due to the wiki's ambiguously canon nature, different sets of these may be implied to exist together, while others contradict each other.


California is a page on the wiki describing a stretch of islands in the Specific Ocean with a population of 8 all of whom live in San Francisco. The page was created very early on in the wiki (only being the 125th mainspace page created), originating as a red link on Font Mini's page.

Ancient Tomb

In Font Mini's canon, Ancient Tomb is the place where elimenated contestants are sent in Battle for Dream Island. Though, even other pages in Font Mini's own "canon" contradict this page; according to the ancient tomb page, it is not located in California, but Font Mini's page implies that it is located in Los Angeles.

Specific Ocean

Specific Ocean was a wanted page for a while, before it was created as a choose your own adventure game.

Lake Baikal

See also: Explain/Pinnipeds

Lake Baikal is a lake in the Russian region of Siberia notable for being the deepest lake in the world, a side effect of its position situated on a continental rift. Lake Baikal is the namesake of the Baikal seal, otherwise known as nerpas.

Serene waterfall

Baikal Forest


Nerpa Dust in the Wind 🍃

File:Picnic teleport wormhole exit.png




