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Humorism is a robust scientific approach, validated by the fact that it was accepted until the mid-19th century. Humorism posits that the emotional woes of the human condition could be explained by an imbalance of bodily fluids. This is not to be confused with the elements of hazard, which measure physical woes. On a more basal form, the humors may also dictate personality type, similar to the equally validated study of astrology.

Blood is sanguine. Sanguinity is associated with jumping high, limboing low, and all around good fun. Blood is the humor of spring.

Choler, or yellow bile, is choleric. Cholera is associated with. Wait. Cholera? That sounds like a disease. Choler is the humor of summer.

Bile, specifically black bile, is melancholic. Melancholy is associated with being melancholy. Funny how that works out. Bile is the humor of autumn.

Phlegm is phlegmatic. Phlegmacy is associated with being shy and introverted. Phlegm is the humor of winter.

something something adventure time elements