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What are "letters", really? Well, they're... the symbols... in words. Items, artifacts, substances, trinkets, gadgets, tools, goods, gear, and so on.

Click a letter to jump to it!

Latin letters Common
Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz
Áá Àà Ââ Åå Ää Ãã Çç Éé Èè Êê Ëë Íí Ìì Îî Ïï Ññ Óó Òò Ôô Öö Õõ Øø Úú Ùù Ûû Üü Ýý Ÿÿ | Ææ Ðð Þþ ẞß | Ĥĥ Ĵĵ Łł Ńń Œœ Ŕŕ Śś Šš Ẃẃ Žž
IPA symbols
Ɑɑ Ɐɐ Ɒɒ Ɓɓ Ɗɗ Ɛɛ Ɜɜ Əə Ɠɠ Ɣɣ Ħħ Ɨɨ Ɉɟ Ƚɬ Ɯɯ Ɱɱ Ŋŋ Ɲɲ Ɔɔ Ʃʃ Ʊʊ Ʌʌ Ʒʒ ʔ ʡ
Greek letters
Αα Ββ Γγ Δδ Εε Ζζ Ηη Θθ Ιι Κκ Λλ Μμ Νν Ξξ Οο Ππ Ρρ Σσς Ττ Υυ Φφ Χχ Ψψ Ωω
Cyrillic letters Common
Аа Бб Вв Гг Дд Ее Жж Зз Ии Йй Кк Лл Мм Нн Оо Пп Рр Сс Тт Уу Фф Хх Цц Чч Шш Щщ Ъъ Ыы Ьь Ээ Юю Яя
Ёё | Ѐѐ Ђђ Ѓѓ Єє Ѕѕ Іі Її Јј Љљ Њњ Ћћ Ќќ Ѝѝ Ўў Џџ | Ґґ
Әә Ғғ Ққ Ңң Өө Үү Ұұ Һһ | Ԛԛ Ԝԝ
Hebrew letters
א ב ג ד ה ו ז ח ט י כ/ך ל מ/ם נ ן ס ע פ/ף צ/ץ ק ר ש ת
Sinhala letters
Japanese syllables Hiragana
Han characters
& 7 Pirate Ƿƿ

Accented Latin letters

Letter Description
Áá A but with an acute accent.
Àà A but with a grave accent.
Åå This accented letter is on å land.
Ää The letter A with an umlaut. Looks like a pretty silly looking horrified face dunnit.
Çç I think French has this.
Still stone.png

"Yo, mike check. *sounds of a feedback loop getting exponentially louder*" -Drake
This page contains an audio file that is either very loud or has high frequencies. Listen at your own risk!

Green Meme Man

E but with an acute accent.

Èè E but with a grave accent.
Ëë E but with the two eyes.
Íí I but with an acute accent.
Îî This one kind of looks like an up arrow.
Ïï The letter I but with the two eyes. Yeah, the words "I" and "Eye" sound similar.
Ññ Ñ (n tilde or eñe) is a letter which represents the /ɲ/ sound in Spanish. In English, it exists in some loan words from Spanish like piñata and jalapeño where most (at-least I think) English speakers pronounce it as a consonant cluster /nj/.
Óó O but with an acute accent.
Øø Ø is a letter idk what to write for this one.
Úú U but with an acute accent.
Üü Ü is a letter that looks like a face with a really big smile. Reminds me of those people from those school posters.
Ææ Æ (or ash) is a letter that looks like if someone stuck an A ænd an E together. I personally pronounce it more like "adobe æfter effects", but its intended pronunciation was of a vowel between a and e (/æ/). It's fallen out of favor in recent years, but you can still bring it back if you want to.
Ðð Ð (eth, , or ðed) is a letter which represents ðe voiced "þ" sound. It's pretty much just a d with a line through it ðat no one uses anymore outside of the IPA.
ẞß A German S that looks like a B.
Ńń N but with an acute accent.
Œœ To be honest I always pronounced this one kinda like "oh" (/o͡wi/)

IPA symbols

Letter Description
Ɛɛ Ɛ (open E or Latin epsilon) is an E that looks like a backwards 3. Don't know exactly why it exists, but it does.

o Ɛ o funny face


Əə This letter is called schwa, and looks like a lowercase e turned upside down.
How I write ŋ in cursive.

Ŋ (or eng or engma) looks like an N and J put together, which is weird because it's the sound of ng in most words. It was created by a guy who wanted to reform Eŋlish spelliŋ to simplify the digraph "ng" into one letter, but hardly anyone ever used it until it was added into the IPA in 1900. I honestly really like Ŋ and find it handy for writiŋ in cursive more quickly — I do a loop below the base line before continuiŋ on to the next letter (or more often the end of the word).


This is not sigma, it's eʃ; it makes the "sh" sound. It was invented by some guy in his Engliʃ phonetic alphabet and was later taken by the IPA (IPA, not IPA) for use in the IPA.

Ʒʒ Ʒ (ezh or ) is a letter invented by some guy for his phonetic alphabet and was later taken by the IPA for use in the IPA.
ʔ It's a gloʔal stop.
ʡ A glottal stop, but scary.

Common Cyrillic letters

Letter Description
Лл Does this look like a playground slide?
Хх Sounds like an X or an H depending on the this.

Slavic Cyrillic letters

Letter Description
Ћћ A camel-hammerhead shark hybrid.

Non-Slavic Cyrillic letters

Letter Description
Әә ...Wait, didn't we just see this one?
Ғғ It's not an F, even though it looks like one.
Һһ This Cyrillic H exists because this one already has the same form as the Latin H.

Cyrillic letter Qa.


Cyrillic letter We.

Hebrew letters

Letter Description
Alef 1.png

The first letter of the Hebrew abjad.

ב The last three letters of the word Alphabet.
See also: Alphabet
ה Is He just much of a letter?
ס This one almost looks like a circle, but only when it comes to certain fonts.
ת If this script's direction went from right-to-left, this would be the first letter of this abjad.

Sinhala letters

Letter Description

The rare visor-less crewmate. You'll never find them in Among Us because the chances of finding them is beyond once in a lifetime! Maybe keep extending that life expectancy and then MAYBE you'll encounter them...


Letter Description
While you could say this is the Hiragana equivalent to the letter A, I think it's more accurate to say it's a syllable that's just the sound "a". It's not really equivalent to any English letter because it's not an alphabet.

Its Katakana counterpart is .

The Japanese lookalike to the left arrow.

This funny Japanese hiragana that looks like a nose represents the syllable "hi"!

Squidward: This letter SUCKS...

I don't know what to say other than if this was a number 3 covered in brackets.

The Hiragana and Katakana variants of this syllable look like each other...

The Hiragana counterpart to this square.

The Hiragana equivalent to the letter N.


Letter Description