Wiki Rail

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Wiki Rail is the state-owned railway conglomerate of Wikiland. It can be divided into hundreds of brands, much like in the United Kingdom. Brands can be categorized into classes, much like in the United States. Class I brands provide intercontinental services. There are four Class I brands: Wikistar, Hot Rod, the Shadowveil Royal Postal Service, and the Toba Circus. Class II brands are endemic to each grove, while Class III brands are endemic to each clump. Trains are the primary mode of transport in Wikiland and are heavily favoured over cars. Wiki Rail has been heavily praised for its operating model and, from a trainspotter's perspective, its variety despite the network being managed under one nationalized company. All locomotives and multiple units are unique to each grove or clump. Even the Shadowveil Royal Postal Service, operating from the cloud-borne city-grove of Shadowveil, owns custom-built electric engines.

Metro and tram services are independently operated, however they are administrated by the municipal government. As such, tram and metro models tend to vary from city to city.

Each clump (with the exception of Shadowveil) has a couple of notable independently operated heritage railways and railway museums, attracting thousands of railfans as well as the general public. Each year, the largest railways host the grove's annual expo, where steam, diesel, and electric locomotives and multiple units from various eras congregate, boosting attendance. Also occurring every years is the annual national expo, by far the biggest event in the heritage railway enthusiast's calendar. Vintage trains also tend to go on mainline excursions once in a while.

See also