Roger Waters
announcement from Roger.
Okay, uh, this is by way of being a sort of a public announcement. Um, I rarely speak to fans of Pink Floyd, but that is what I'm doing now, um, uh first of all thank you so much for all the lovely comments that have uh, come back after the band and I um, put together that version of mother, it was a lot of fun to do and it reminded me of how much I miss them. *Aghemm!* and no it's not Dave Gilmour, it's Dave Kilminster, Dave Kilminster, who's the guy with the black flowing locks sittin' on the sofa playing electric guitar *Achm!* so that's got that cleared up um, but it did make me think the fact um, I think uh, one and half million of you have viewed um, our new version of mother, which is lovely it really eh, warms my heart I have to say um but, it does bring up the question of why is this video not available on a website that calls itself the Pink Floyd website? Well the answer to that is because nothing from me is on the website, I am banned by David, Gilmour, from the website um, about a year ago I convened a- a sort of, uh, camp David for the surviving members of pink floyd uh, and a hotel at the airport in London *mmm* and where I proposed all kinds of uh, measures to get past this awful um pass um, that we that we have and predicament we find ourselves in um, it bore no fruit, I'm sorry to say, but one of the things that I asked for, I suggested that uh, because whoever the thirty million of you are, who subscribe uh, to the web page uh, you do so because of the body of work that the five of us created that's Syd, me, Rick, um, Nick and David over a number of years and in consequence it seems to me um, that it would be fair and correct that we should have equal access to you all and um, and it would share our projects and blah and blah and blah and blah uh, David thinks he owns it uh, I think he thinks that because I left the band in 1985 that he owns Pink Floyd that he is Pink Floyd, had nothing that really, I'm irrelevant and I should just keep my mouth shut *Ahem!* and blah. Alright, we are all welcome to our opinions, but there have been um, rumblings and grumblings in the ranks, I'm told uh, by friends of mine who follow these things and um, some of the questions being asked are, why do we have to sit and watch Polly Samson for year after year, month after month, day after day (🗿 after 🗿) and the Von Trapps uh, reading us um, excerpts from their novels uh, to get us to go to sleep at night and that's a very good question and yet um, we we don't get to hear about anything that Roger is doing or about this is not a drill or, or when he makes a piece of work, it's not shown and so on and so forth and none of his work is publicized, the fact that um, his uh, and Sean Evans' film us and them, which has just gone out digitally for streaming everywhere, is not mentioned there's no mention, we're not allowed to even mention such a fact on the, the official Pink Floyd website. This is wrong, we should rise up (we live in a society) and, or, just change the name of the band to spinal tap and then everything will be hunky-dory. Alright, I'm not going to get all weird and um, sarcastic though as you know um, that is the direction in which I am *sniff* uh, known to sometimes lean, supplementary so thank you again for all your love and warm feelings sent in about mother, stay safe uh, all of you we live in dire, dire, desperate times and we need to find ways to communicate with one another so that we can act cooperatively to stop the man destroying this fragile planet that we all call home uh, that is the elephant in the room yeah, and Leah, they are beautiful it's still on the wall, that's a message to the lady who painted that picture which I bought, a number of years ago and I know she knows that I've still got it and that it's on the wall. Alright that is all I have to say this morning, tune in again.