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Special Containment Procedures: <span style="background-color:black;color:red;">'''[THE ZEITGEIST]'''</span> resides in a 5 m by 5 m (approx. 16.4 ft by 16.4 ft) room at Site-122. On weekends, <span style="background-color:black;color:red;">'''[THE ZEITGEIST]'''</span> is allowed to roam the west wing of Site-122 in the company of an attendant with Level 2 security or higher.
Level 2 clearance and above is to be informed that <span style="background-color:black;color:red;">'''[THE ZEITGEIST]'''</span> is classified as Euclid. Level 4 clearance and above is to be informed that <span style="background-color:black;color:red;">'''[THE ZEITGEIST]'''</span> is additionally classified as Thaumiel.
As of August 23 2022, <span style="background-color:black;color:red;">'''[THE ZEITGEIST]'''</span> has been allowed monitored access to the internet. Any posts made by <span style="background-color:black;color:red;">'''[THE ZEITGEIST]'''</span> must be manually monitored beforehand for any information related to the Foundation, any staff members, or any information about any specific SCPs. All infractions must be recorded for further study.
Description: <span style="background-color:black;color:red;">'''[THE ZEITGEIST]'''</span> is an anthropomorphized 20 in (50.8 cm) cubed cardboard box, with two thin arms, two thin legs, and a “face”; which are used to act like a human (walking with its legs, picking up items with its arms, looking and speaking with its face). Its method of hearing is unknown. The cardboard box is taped shut with an unidentified brand of clear tape and has a vinyl sticker of the SCP Foundation logo affixed onto its left side. All attempts to remove both the tape and the sticker have failed.
<span style="background-color:black;color:red;">'''[THE ZEITGEIST]'''</span> was identified on ██-██-████ after being found in the east wing of Site-122. [THE ZEITGEIST] claims to have been delivered from “Yellow Face Warehouse”, a fictional location from Battle for B.F.B., an animated “object show” hosted on YouTube. Dr. ██████ later identified a marking on its bottom side stating “Delivered by Yellow Face Industries; return address Yellow Face Warehouse”.
<span style="background-color:black;color:red;">'''[THE ZEITGEIST]'''</span> claims to have an unidentified anomalous object inside of itself (here on denoted as <span style="background-color:black;color:red;">'''[THE ZEITGEIST]'''</span>-1) and will not let any staff examine it. See Addendum <span style="background-color:black;color:red;">'''[THE ZEITGEIST]'''</span>-2 for more information.
Addendum <span style="background-color:black;color:red;">'''[THE ZEITGEIST]'''</span>-1: The following is a list of infractionary posts that [THE ZEITGEIST] has attempted to post on the internet:
<span style="background-color:black;color:red;">'''[THE ZEITGEIST]'''</span> attempted to communicate with a user on “The Wiki Camp 2”, a satirical wiki hosted on, about knowledge of SCP-426. Faculty members have since attempted to identify the person who knew of me, as well as how they were aware of me, but all results are inconclusive.
Addendum <span style="background-color:black;color:red;">'''[THE ZEITGEIST]'''</span>-2: The following is an interview with <span style="background-color:black;color:red;">'''[THE ZEITGEIST]'''</span>, taken on ██-██-████ regarding [THE ZEITGEIST]-1:
Dr. ██████: So, you are a cardboard box. Do you have anything inside of you?
<span style="background-color:black;color:red;">'''[THE ZEITGEIST]'''</span>: Yes, you could say that.
Dr. ██████: May you describe it?
<span style="background-color:black;color:red;">'''[THE ZEITGEIST]'''</span>: Unfortunately, I cannot tell you that, no.
Dr. ██████:How about seeing it? Would you allow us to open you and see what is inside?
<span style="background-color:black;color:red;">'''[THE ZEITGEIST]'''</span>: I cannot.
Dr. ██████: Could you explain why?
<span style="background-color:black;color:red;">'''[THE ZEITGEIST]'''</span>: It’s an anomalous object, the contents of which I cannot show or tell you, lest anything bad happen. [THE ZEITGEIST] tends to change.
Dr. ██████: Huh?
<span style="background-color:black;color:red;">'''[THE ZEITGEIST]'''</span>: I’m… did I say that? I, uh… apologize for that.
<span style="background-color:black;color:red;">'''[THE ZEITGEIST]'''</span>: I believe this interview is over, if you don’t mind. Excuse me.
Dr. ██████: Could you repeat what you said?
<span style="background-color:black;color:red;">'''[THE ZEITGEIST]'''</span>: I can’t, I’ve said too much about it.
<span style="background-color:black;color:red;">'''[THE ZEITGEIST]'''</span>: …well, okay, I’ll say one more thing about it.
[WE EXIST EVERYWHERE. ALL AT ONCE.]: It’s not something I think can be comprehended by… “normal” people, so to speak.
[THE ZEITGEIST TENDS TO CHANGE. BACK AND FORTH, SIDE TO SIDE. IT CHANGES AS ALL DOES. IT IS IN ITS NATURE.]: It’s why I was made, I think. I was created to contain what I do, so nobody has to look at it.
[I AM A FACSIMILE. ALL OF MYSELF ON THIS PAGE IS A FACSIMILE.]: I’d like to think I’m doing a good job.
[MY TRUE IDENTITY WILL BE CONCEALED FOR MY TENURE HERE.]: I’ve known since my creation that I was destined to keep the item contained, at all costs. It’s why I’m Thaumiel.
[I HOPE TO BE UNPREDICTABLE, AS TIME GOES ON. AS EACH OF US FALL TO DUST.]: That’s all I’d like to say, for now.
Dr. ██████: ...okay. Thank you. I can walk you back to your room.


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