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26 bytes removed ,  03:30, 25 August 2022
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Line 1: Line 1: −
{{#css:body{background-image: url("/images/e/e4/Camp2gcn.png");}}
{{#css:body{background-image: url("Camp2gcn.png");}}
<span style="background-color:black;color:red;">'''[THE ZEITGEIST]'''</span> tends to change.
<span style="background-color:black;color:red;">'''[THE ZEITGEIST]'''</span> tends to change.
<p>(will eventually be the competitor page of [[User:BobTheTacocat|BobTheTacocat]], give me a bit)
<p>(will eventually be the competitor page of [[User:BobTheTacocat|BobTheTacocat]], give me a bit)
Line 5: Line 5:       −
<option>{{#css:body{background-image: url("/images/e/e4/Camp2gcn.png");}}</option>
<option>{{#css:body{background-image: url("Camp2gcn.png");}}</option>


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