Tumblr's Favorite Animal

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A tournament is being held to determine Tumblr's favorite animal.

Nominations are currently on. 11/260 animals have been nominated as of 21:43, 15 March 2024 (UTC).

Before the final 256 face off, four spots will be determined using 4 play-in matches where the losers are eliminated with zero second chances.


Entries are seeded based on the highest noted post on Tumblr. Each entry will be given a post briefly describing what the animal is, as well as an introductory showcase video accompanied by notable posts and comments.

In order of highest to lowest notes, they are:

Entry Scientific name Nominator Highest notes on a single post Image
Brown rat Rattus norvegicus CandiedCoder 204,128
Nerpa Pusa sibirica TUWAN 97,777 Baikal seal 200507 hakone japan cropped.jpg
Tardigrade Tardigrada (phylum) Betamaj 56,286
Axolotl Ambystoma mexicanum LegendFinder 25,262
Acorn weevil Curculio glandium Wikiascratchboy 4,338
West Indian manatee Trichechus manatus awholelotofgeek 4,194
Caracal Caracal caracal Jurta 3,931
Pronghorn Antilocapra americana Coppersalts 2,781
Tufted deer Elaphodus cephalophus ZerOcarina 944
Sparklemuffin Maratus jactatus harleycao 479
Mata mata Chelus fimbriata Lyzane 401