Xiphoid process

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"Xiphoid process is... LOST MEDIA? Twm 1f979.pngTwm 1f979.pngTwm 1f979.png" - Super Mario
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The xiphoid process is a cartilaginous section of the lower sternum that is not attached to any ribs. As time goes on during adulthood, the xiphoid process ossifies, gradually turning into bone.

The xiphoid process would have been included in SMW's Wiki Camp 2 Jeopardy! 1 on the category "X" Gon' Give It To Ya (a reference to DMX), but it was highly speculated that no one would get it. However, the category, retaining XXXTENTACION and xylem, scrapping The X-Files and the X Games, and adding xanthophyll, would be reused in SMW's first board for the Jeopardy! Discord server. This makes both the xiphoid process and xanthophyll lost media of SMWWC2J!.