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From The Wiki Camp 2
From The Wiki Camp 2, the community-driven Wiki Camp encyclopedia.

It's all about me!
Caterpie (Japanese: キャタピー Caterpie) is a Bug-type Pokémon introduced in Generation LXIX. Also it's just an eastern tiger swallowtail caterpillar.
It evolves into Metapod starting at level 7, which evolves into Butterfree starting at level 10.
Caterpie is a Pokémon.
As Caterpie grow and develop over time, it will shed its skin many times before finally cocooning itself in thick silk. It can also spit this silk in order to entangle foes as seen in the anime. It has a voracious appetite, which drives it to eat a hundred leaves a day. It will even eat leaves bigger than itself. According to Pokémon Adventures, its favorite food is the Evil Cake Pop. Caterpie lives in Twitter Forest or in Lost Woods.
Base Stats | |
HP | |
Attack | |
Defense | |
Sp. Atk | |
Sp. Def | |
Speed | |
Nurpoing | |
Uncannyness | |
Total | 1214
- Caterpie is just a caterpillar.
- Caterpie has got a knife.
- Caterpie is going to kill you.