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A platypus?
  — Dr. Doofenshmirtz before the ultimate discovery...

The platypus (Ornithorhynchus anatinus) is a fusion of every animal in the world. Key elements include the bill of a duck, the tail of a beaver, the body of an otter, the venom of a rattlesnake, the amphibiousness of a seal, the intelligence of a dolphin, and the ability to walk and be a spy like a human. Platypuses are monotremes; they lay eggs, just like echidnas. This led it to the nicknames duck-billed platypus, beaver-tailed platypus, otter-bodied platypus, so on and so forth.

Scientists used to think that platypuses were a hoax, but left-wing environmentalists and university graduates in biomed have proven the platypus to be an actual mammal. It's like Neil Armstrong's Moon landing.
