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having now worked directly with wild seals I need you all to know they are some of the most bastardous creatures in the entire animal kingdom. we’ve all been so wrong. they look cute and fat but they are so fast and they have SO many teeth and they know how to scream and they aren’t afraid to do it
don’t get me wrong I love them deeply. They’re amazing animals. But we’ve been calling them stuff like “sea puppers” when in fact they’re more like if a cat weighed 300 kilos and had the intelligence of a toddler & the morals of a seagull
A diverse selection of pinnipeds from each major class.

Pinnipeds (pronounced /ˈpɪnɪsˌpɛdz/), commonly known as laes, are a widely distributed and diverse clade of carnivorous, fin-footed, semiaquatic, odorous, mostly marine mammals in the clade Pinnipedia. They include the mighty walrus, the ferocious eared seals (such as sea lions), and the loathsome earless damn seals. While most species of pinniped are marine, there exists a single completely freshwater species that is thought by some to be the worst animal in existence.[citation needed]


Pinnipeds are often criticized by the public for their looks, odours, etc., and are considered some of the worst animals in existence. For these reasons, people are looking forward to a total seal extinction event, although from the ecological perspective of an earthling, it might not be the best idea.[citation needed]

Pinnipeds make various sounds. Among the most nerpish are the barks of the California sea lion, the calls of the walrus that, according to Wikipedia, sound like a gong, and the out-of-this-world vocalizations of the Weddell seal.

Other names for pinnipeds in other languages include:

  • zeehond (Dutch)
  • phoque (French)
  • Robben (German)
  • foca (Spanish)
  • アザラシ (azarashi, Japanese)
  • 海豹 (haibao, Mandarin)

The 34 extant species of pinnipeds are:

There are two extinct species of pinnipeds that no one has to worry about any longer. They are the Japanese sea lion and the Caribbean monk seal.

Such meaningless things... I'll destroy them all!

Demonic seals

This thing



Yuri section


See also