Bureau of Rigid Adherence to Strict Anti-Tobacco Messaging
The Bureau of Rigid Adherence to Strict Anti-Tobacco Messaging, or BORATSATOM, is the central agency for the assurance of anti-smoking and tobacco standards on The Wiki Camp 2. Unlike most of the fictional pages in this wiki, BORATSATOM can and does exert actual power and authority over this very important subject area.
Enforced values
- Under no circumstances shall the consumption or distribution of tobacco products be endorsed, advised, or otherwise shown in a positive manner.
- If a character is shown to be enjoying tobacco, they must either eventually repent and reject it, or the character must be clearly evil and untrustworthy (such as a seal).
- The effects of second-hand smoke shall not be understated or denied.
- Vaping shall not be endorsed.
- All profits obtained from any display of tobacco, even within these limits, must be payed in full to the Bureau of Rigid Adherence to Strict Anti-Tobacco Messaging and its current chief (Green Gabriel).
- Failure to comply with enforced values shall be meted out with strict and unforgiving punishment.
Consequences of failure to adhere to enforced values
The consequences increase in severity with subsequent violations.
- The offending page will be marked with an anti-tobacco PSA template.
- The offending user will have their NerpaPunch account permanently terminated.
- The offending user will die.