Klumpyan (city)

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City and clump
Sovereign stateWikiland

Klumpyan (nicknamed "the Go City") is a major city in Wikiland. It was designed by and named in honour of Lord Calvin Klumpyan, inventor of the Go Sign. After his famous 7,697-minute wait that led to said invention, Klumpyan (person) also put his anger towards designing a new type of city. This city would be arranged in such a way that it wouldn't have a need for disrespectful stop signs, nor haughty red stoplights. Unfortunately, this city sucks.

The city's road system is designed to be made up of exclusively highways, unfortunately making it the only car-dependent city in Wikiland. Lord Klumpyan's intention with the design was to reduce wait times for drivers. In order to do so, he replaced any type of intersection with a series of merge lanes. Even neighborhoods in Klumpyan are made up of highways. Typical driveways consist of an extremely short pair of exit lanes, which shoot off towards each house and then immediately back onto the main road. Klumpyan parking lots are—miraculously—even worse. Being a very sparse car-dependent city, Klumpyan is the only city in its clump.

A typical "driveway" in Klumpyan.

It has received many negative reviews from city reviewers, often being cited as "the worst city in Wikiland, probably the whole world." Eventually, an associate of Lord Klumpyan explained to him the concept of a "walkable city," to which he replied, "why didn't you tell me sooner?"

A walkable district of the city began development. There is also a busy rail corridor crossing over the highway served by Wikistar and the Class II and III passenger carriers. Klumpyan is notably home to Klumpyan International Circuit.


99.9% of transport in Klumpyan is done by road. The city is built entirely for cars, with every possible street being a highway. The Klumpyan Intermodal Terminal sees hundreds of trucks per day delivering goods to customers around the city.

GO Transit, a Canadian public transit operator, began experimenting with bus and train services across Klumpyan and beyond in 2020. This is starting to prove successful.


The Klumpyan Racers are the grove's Wikilandian Professional Baseball team. Unfortunately, due to all the highways, the stadium is mostly surrounded by parking, with the exception of the busy rail corridor out of the city centre.