List of incidentals

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This is a list of background characters present on The Wiki Camp 2. Feel free to add any that you make or make entirely new categories of incidentals, as this list is continually growing as more and more information is learned about these mysterious things.



XX: OB (Object), HU (Humanoid), ME, (Mechanical), BS (Baby Seal)

YY: Discoverer

ZZ: Incidental number by Discoverer


This category of incidentals take the appearance of objects.

Image of Incidental Common Name Incidental


Discoverer Notes on Incidental
Digi Clock.png
Digi Clock OB-GS-01 Gsn1vy N/A
Journal OB-JU-01 Jurta N/A
Whittle Artwork - Super Mario Galaxy 2.png
Whittle OB-RH-01 Arllyhautegoth From the Super Mario galaxy.
Sock OB-TY-01 Tygreenie Not to be confused with Sock Hater.


This category of incidentals are humanoid in form, similar to Black or Jurta.

Image of Incidental Common Name Incidental


Discoverer Notes on Incidental
Diarstuck HU-JU-01 Jurta Form of Diar. Name and potentially appearance may be based around Homestuck.
Bongbong HU-RH-01 Arllyhautegoth Known for having numerous clones and potentially having high stats of Fortitude, Prudence, Temperance, and Justice.
Florie HU-TY-01 Tygreenie she exists/??????!!!??
GOLFER GUY.png Golfer Guy HU-TY-02 Tygreenie Not a human! but still classified as a humanoid, also he is never seen playing golf!


This category of incidentals take the appearance of machines, whether they be humanoid or not.

Image of Incidental Common Name Incidental Number Discoverer Notes on Incidental
Notext VR probe.png Slylandro Probe ME-WI-01 Wikiascratchboy See Bots