YouTube Short documenting the dangers behind seals
This may just be the scariest thing to ever exist.
Earth is full of unique creatures that may pique your interest, from koalas to bears to even our cute little feline friends. But none stands out quite as well as the seal. The seal is a mammal that has flappers for legs to help it swim in the ocean to catch and eat fish, but what some may not know about these creatures is the devastating potential it may have.
Seals are known to be incredibly vicious towards humans, cementing the idea for a potential total seal extinction. Not only that, but they have a very distinctive smell of gasoline, making it unbearable to stand near one. Their faces don't help much either, making them look like the oldest human to ever exist! I don't know about you guys, but if I ever saw one coming towards me, I'd immediately get out of there. And that is why...