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oh cool it's me

i am living on the traditional (unceded) territories of the haudenosaunee confederacy and anishinaabeg. the land is under the dish with one spoon covenant, an agreement with both nations to peacefully coexist and care for the land, and as non-indigenous peoples, we are also invited to share the same respect as our indigenous friends did. southern ontario is now home to various first nations, inuit, and métis peoples from across turtle island, and it's important to understand the connection between us and the land we are on

join my server here


find my competitor here

find my ex-teams here

find my thing here

find my unwanted page here

click here for the memories cover sheet

find my UNOFFICIAL "challenge entries" here

find my game scripts here

find my worldbuilding ideas here

find some toys here

find my streaming queue for VC here

find some useless lists here

puzzles i have solved:

Big Boy Icon.png This user owns Big Boy.
Sockhatervotingiconforfun.png This user thinks Sock Hater deserves the death penalty!
T Series Car 5134.png This user has never travelled on T Series Car 5134, but would like to someday!!!
Obliterated.png This user longs for the total seal extinction.

Deathtoamerica.gif (i'm cis btw)