Epic Evil

From The Wiki Camp 2
Revision as of 20:25, 5 October 2022 by Scar (talk | contribs)
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We know our God is merciful, because if they weren't, they would have smote us by now.

Epic Evil formerly Epic is a team made by Daisy for people who are just as epic as she is!!!! We do stuff liek draw and play Minecraft and Pokemon and shares FUNNY CAT PHOTOS so join ok??? Please!!!!!!!


  • Dont be mean!!! >:(

(OOC rule you dont have to ask me to join OK back to daisy now)


PEOPLE THAT LIVE HERE talk abt urself if you want

Let's hear about the members!

PERSONJ piccy What you do how EPIC r u
Daisy Vote 4 daisy.png Save teh world!!!!! yeah :D
Head of Lettuce Lettuce voting icon.png Run for political office, Defend innocent vegetables, Sometimes a little crime because it's funny *starts sobbing*
Flag FlagTWC2 Voting Icon.png wavin' in the wind ewe More than Epic Games, that's for sure ;3
Push Dagger using the POWER of the SWORDS the SNAKES and the SKELETONS im like sonic the hedgehog if he explored

his feminine beauty side

Cellphone File:Cellphoneicon.png I can call, text browse the web and do everything better than those so-called "smart"phones XD So epic that no one can withstand my awesome epicness OwO


um actually... it's HERstory* (epic evil is a female team) #feminism #girl


thank you.

okay so once upon a time on the wiki camp there was a super awesome and epic girl named DAISY and she was SOOOOOO epic she made a TEAM about it called epic (and that's where you are now!!!!!!) the team was for cool and epic people like daisy who like to play minecraft and go on deviantart, but this guy named head of lettuce joined and uh... was thon trying to join the evil team or what... look ok daisy tries so so so hard to be nice but this guy has some problems daisy asked leaf for leafs deviantart page and leaf didn't even HAVE one claiming "it's not 2008 anymore." and dsaisy was like "WTF!!! you would have been 8!!! everyone knows you have to be at least THIRTEEN!!! to be on deviantart." and thon just ranaway. :-\

daisy eventually let head of lettuce stay on the team bc thon is gay and daisy loves gay rights

since then daisey and lettucy have been getting along ok i guess. lettuce likes pokemon ok so the two usually do pokemon duels.

BUT on october 4th 2022 epic and evil decided to FUSE into one unholy being. head of lettuce was very excited to have some actual evil people on the team. However, upon further inspection flag and push dagger were not all that evil, just a couple of french folks.

epic evil entry slapped this week


  • if we lived in the sewers our team name would be Septic Evil
  • epic evil currently has "five" members, meaning we have the same number of people as there are john paul george ringo and bruno
  • alala
  • sus
  • head of lettuce and daisy both have plant and mammal aspects to their characters
  • we have yet to find any organic tissue on flag, push dagger, or cellphone (plant OR mammal), but our scientists are working tirelessly
  • every member of epic has two arms and two legs, which is more than you'll have if you ever fuck with us
  • help im trapped in the trivia section of a team page!!!!!!!!!!!!

oh yeah other stuff

  • People who are on this team are allowed to ADD STUFF HERE make it cool ok? Please?
  • we dont actually play minecraft rn because I don't know how to get a server :(
  • look at this
Kitteh so funny :3
Seal base...feel free to use for ur oc :P