Gelatins in media

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Gelatins in media

There are few gelatins in media 🍮

(note: these gelatins might be in an alliance. proceed with caution)

Gelatin Name Franchise Description Image
Gelatin Battle for Dream Island gross? green? Ugly? youll get the whole package with this silly bugger! Gelatinbfdi.png
Goo Balls World of Goo Sticky orbs of black mass resembling petroleum, both physically and thematically. Drove to extinction by capitalism World-of-goo-icon.png
Blobby Hotel Transilvania this guy danced with gnc dracula in that one scene on the cruise Imageimagimagimeaghojfgidc.png
B.O.B Monsters vs. Aliens B.O.B., short for Benzoate Ostylezene Bicarbonate, is a blue one-eyed indestructible gelatinous mass that was spontaneously created in a laboratory when scientists injected a chemically-altered ranch dressing into a genetically-altered tomato.
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The thing B.O.B. shows the guy in those memes Monsters vs. Aliens A small green gelatin held by B.O.B. They are romantically engaged.
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Me showing michael huang the kidney i donated
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Moldsmal Undertale a gelatin in media, what else is there to be said Moldsmal battle.gif
Moldbygg Also, Undertale the "M" in Moldbygg stands for Mundertale Moldbygg battle idle.gif
Moldessa Undertale, yet again. A stronger version of Moldsmal. Only appears on Hard Mode Moldessa battle idle.gif
Grey Goo Tasty Planet Eater of reality, three times over Grey goo.png
Gooey Kirby Gooey KF2 Gooey.png
Girl Blob Kirby Call me Girl Gooey KDL2 Girl Blob sprite.png
Slime Dragon Quest Gooey's long lost sibling Slime Artwork.png
Slime Minecraft kids these days they just worry too much, dont they know that that is just so square? Slimemc.png
Magma Cube Minecraft slime after hot cheeto, side effects include heartburn and abdominal pain Magma Cube.png
The slime from Computer Virus Kirby curbstomp this little shit Slime KSSU sprite.png
Maiga Kirby Wants to become a gamer catgirl KSqS Maiga artwork.jpg
Jelly Jelly Escape I need to escape! Jelly escape jelly.jpg