Pseudopinnipeds are animals or other things that resemble pinnipeds but are not themselves true pinnipeds.
Pseudopinnipedia felis
The seal cat is a cat that looks like a seal.
Pseudopinnipedia felis schrodingus
Main article: Schrödinger's cat
Pseudopinnipedia canus
The seal dog is a dog that kind of looks like a seal.
Pseudopinnipedia allosimilis
This classification includes all other marine animals that in some way resemble seals. Such members include the cetaceans (whales and dolphins) and the sirenians (dugongs and manatees).
Pseudopinnipedia ursus
The silly bear may not resemble a seal at first, but it displays an uncanny level of mimicry towards silliness, a trait most associated with Ponsuke.
Pseudopinnipedia ursus americanus
The black bear cub is a juvenile member of the black bear species. This photograph in particular oddly resembles a seal in shape, but our trusted team of psychologists have indeed confirmed that it is in fact an actual black bear cub.