Riichi Mahjong

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Riichi Mahjong is a game created by Nobuyuki Fukumoto in his famous manga, "Ten (ways to WIN BIG BY GAMBLING!!!!!!)". It is played by discarding tiles until you lose. The first person to lose loses.

Riichi mahjong is played with four players. Each player has thirteen tiles in their hand. The object of the game is to have these tiles in a shape such that there are four sets of triplets and/or sequences and a pair, except for when you win with a different shape. In addition, you must also satisfy at least one yaku.

The government doesn't want you to know this but poker is just less-cool looking mahjong.


An enthusiastic mahjong player declaring riichi.

When a player discards a tile, their tile can be "called on" and taken by other people. There are many possible calls:

  • Pon
    • Pon is used to complete a set of three of a kind (three tiles of the same rank and the same suit). After calling "Pon!" (or Pung), point to the tile you are using to complete the triplet, and then violently slam the other two tiles on the table. Slamming the tiles down harder gives you more fu i think.
  • Kan - There are three different ways to call Kan. Kan is also sometimes called Kong.
    • Closed Kan: If you have three of the same tile in your hand and you draw the fourth one, draw it and dont tell anyone. Keep the fourth tile in your sleeve so nobody knows you have a closed kan.
    • Called Kan: If you have three of the same tile in your hand and someone discards the fourth one, you call "Kong!" and a giant gorilla comes out of the table and kills you.
    • Extending a Pon: If you called pon earlier, and draw the fourth tile, you may call "Kan!" to add it to your meld. No joke here sorry
  • Chi
    • Chi (or chow) can only be called on tiles discarded by the player to your left. Calling chi is used to complete a run of 3 tiles in the same suit. When calling chow you point to the tile, call "Chi"/"Chow", pick up the tile and eat it. You must also show the other players the tiles in your hand you are using to form the run, and eat them as well. The tiles will not be replaced.
  • Ron
    • This is the guy from Harry Potter. If you see him make sure you call "Ron!" so that everyone at the table knows and can catch him before he gets away. You may also use this in case of a Ronald Event.
  • Tsumo
    • oh wait did i say you can only call on other peoples discards. um. uh. tsumo is when you discard your winning tile and then call on it to win. this puts you in furiten though. i think this call only exists for like traditional reasons
    • This can be called by any player at anytime
  • Riichi (also known as calling 'uno' in the west)
    • After discarding a tile, you may turn it sideways and say "Riichi!" to look cool. Some people spell it as reach. Doing this invokes a 16000 point chombo penalty because thats stupid
  • Kita
    • Special rule for if you only have two friends. The north tile sucks now so you get bonus points for it instead. I just found out about this.
  • Kill
    • Kills the opponent.


ohj my god no fucking way




Japanese Name English Name (dubiously

accurate theres like

fifty for every one)

1 Riichi Reach Requires your hand to be closed. Once you are in tenpai, you may call "It's riichi-ing time!" and riichi all over your opponents
1 Ippatsu One shot (Riichi only) For some reason if you say this when you get an extra han. idk what it does
1 Menzenchin Tsumo Fully Concealed Hand When you closed tsumo. cmon guys its not that hard.
1 Pinfu No Points Hand (Closed only) OH MY GOD L;OOK. THIS GUY DOESNT EVEN HAVE ANY FU LMAOOOOOOO huh sure yeah you can have 1 han
1 Iipeikou Double Run (Closed only) typicall y known as "four pairs" wait no
1 Haitei Raoyue/Houtei Raoyui Under the Garden Wall Win on the last draw or discard
1 Chankan Robbing a Kan DUDE WHO STOLE IT
1 Rinshan Kaihou After a kan if you draw from the dead wall and win you get arrested for necromancy and one han
1 Yakuhai Value Triplet sorry i called pon on a dragon on the second discard lmao hope u got a fast hand
1 Tanyao All Simples if you are a beginner only use this hand and never learn any other ones
1 Sanshoku Doujun Mixed Triple Sequence i accidentally called chi on a terminal while going for tanyao so now i will desperately go for this
1 Ittsu Pure Straight one to ten in one suit, including jacks, queens, and kings. hold on
1 Chanta Half Outside and EVIL TANYAO BE LIKE:
2 Junchan Fully outside hand this is not a real hand.
2 Honrontou All terminals and Honours
2 Chiitoitsu Seven pairs The object of the game is to have these tiles in a shape such that there are four sets of triplets and/or sequences and a pair. I lied
2 Sanankou Three Concealed Triplets this should be yakuman concealed triplets are so rare
2 Toitoi All triplets when you give up on chiitoitsu/sanankou
2 Sankantsu Three Quads sanankou but awesome
2 Honitsu Half flush
3 Ryanpeikou Twice Pure Double Seuquence typically known as two four pairs. huh.
5 Nagashi Mangan Mangan at Draw draw with the average tanyao discard pile
5 Chinitsu Full Flush
13 Tenhou/Chiihou Blessing of Heaven/Earth If you cheat we give you a yakuman for getting away with it
13 Daisangen Big three dragons WINNER! YOU COULDVE GOTTEN 2 HAN this is a dumb joke
13 Shousuushi Four little winds Suushi!? mmm delice
13 Chinroutou All terminals
13 Tsuuiisou All honours
13 Suuankou Four concealed triplets
13 Suukantsu Four quads isnt it messed up that this is worth the same as suuankou even though suuankou are basically a requirement if you think about it
13 Chuuren Poutou Nine Gates
13 Kokushi Musou Thirteen Orphans always go for this if you start with more than 5 terminals/honours it will pay off EVERY TIME

mahjong fans when they go to the orphanage and there are only 12 orphans up for adoption :(

26 Daisuushi Four big winds BIG SUUSHI?>?? MMM DELICE also double yakuman lmoa

How to calculate fu



Enchousen is when the Deadline gets extended, sometimes multiple times.

Known Riichi Mahjong Likers
