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i'm TUWAN! also known as vivian.

hi guys

My Pages

Challenge Entries

The Computer Pages

Non-Challenge Pages (that I like enough to put here)

ive also made other pages but theyre not important enough for me to put here

My fav Pages

Challenge Entries

Non-Challenge Entries


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evil test zone

look @ this

Slot Item (most effective → least effective)
Osrs Head slot.png Slayer helm (i) Propeller hat that shows you have childlike whimsy
Osrs Neck slot.png Nerpa Amulet Plot Armor N/A
Osrs Cape slot.png DAMNED INFERNAL CAPE Infernal Cape Fire Cape
Osrs Body slot.png "I'm With" Shirt
Osrs Legs slot.png The wiki pants 2 The wiki pants
Osrs Weapon slot.png Real Gun Excallusber Dragon Scimitar (Cement Imbued)
Osrs Shield slot.png The Toy Where You Put The Shape In The Corresponding Hole
Osrs Ammo slot.png Fucking Bullets (if using real gun) Pipis Blessing N/A
Osrs Hands slot.png Seal-Handling gloves (acidic reistance)
Osrs Feet slot.png The shoes of Sir Feet
Osrs Ring slot.png a copy of elden ring hotline ring (dake)

ahhh... ze cement

Such meaningless things... I'll destroy them all!