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I've combined "blue" and "blue" into one word! "BLUEBLUE"!
  — That Guy from Sonic the Hedgehog (2006)

Fingers trace your skin

All your cliffs and peaks

And your hair it flows like waterfalls

Wanna give some color back to your cheeks

Fingers intertwine

As you tell me you can’t take it any more

Let our hearts and souls combine

While hell is knocking at our door

Mermaid, sing to me

He don’t love you like I do

He won’t take your pain away

You know it’s true

I wanna see you smile, wanna see you cry

Oh, you’re such a fool

We should get some bruises falling in love

'Cause I love it when you’re blue

Yeah, it’s making me mad

Knowing I can treat you better than he could

And your tears they flow like waterfalls

And I don’t think they should

Yeah, it’s okay to smile

Even if inside it’s tearing you apart

No he’ll never love you in the way that I do

Why’d you go and give someone like that your heart?

Mermaid, sing to me

He don’t love you like I do

He won’t take your pain away

You know it’s true

I wanna see you smile, wanna see you cry

Oh, you’re such a fool

We should get some bruises falling in love

'Cause I love it when you’re blue

(Underneath our skin our blood runs blue)

Our blood runs blue

(No he’ll never love you like I do)

I still love you

And what am I to say?

What was I supposed to say?

What am I to say?

Just tell me what to say

What am I supposed to say?

What am I to say?

We threw it all away

And we’re still blue

What a performance!


Yep, it's blue! Blue is the fifth color of the rainbow, the third color inside your computer, and the color of the first Weezer album. For all anyone cares, it's the last color you need. In color theory, blue represents water, sadness, the cold, calmness, and the sky. Everyone loves blue, perhaps even more than green. Not many flowers are blue, though perhaps you could find a hydrangea or bluebell. Most blue flowers tend to look purple anyway.


Blue took the world by storm when it first came out. For years, scientists assumed it was simply green in different lighting, but this proved false. Blue then was turned into jeans.

See also

PinkBrownGray (Grey) • RoseGoldSilverBronze
Light GrayDark GrayTangerineMarigoldAquamarineCobaltAzureLilacCeruleanPlumPeriwinkleMauveMintChocolateMahoganySepiaEbonyCharcoalGunmetalKey
CapriCornflowerAlice BlueElectric BlueGlaucousApricotChestnutEggplantViridianChartreuseGooSlime GreenDandelionGoldenrodHeliotropeOrchidAmaranthPeruPuceSunburnPersimmonMindaroMalachiteFeldgrauXanaduPakistanZaffre